• Management and Personnel  1-2/2019

Issue # 1-2/2019 of “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology…” journal

Management Tools

Karpenko O.B, Bukalov A.V.

Socionic types in team management and in various fields of activity

In a sample of 2748 people. - employees of more than 100 enterprises, firms and organizations of various fields of activity studied the distribution of socionic types at different levels of management. A detailed analysis was carried out which of the Jung-Reinin-Augustinavichyute traits can be associated with the achievement of high levels of management. It is considered the relationship between the employee’s TIM belonging to the socionic group: quadra, stimulus group, temperamental group, communication group and the management level occupied by this employee. On the example of the posts “chief engineer”, “accountant”, “economist”, “software engineer”, etc., the correlation between socionic qualities of informational metabolism types and the specifics of professional activity is traced. It is shown that even in one (financial and economic) field of activity there are certain preferences for different types of this activity (in the specific case, for accountants and economists). It is concluded that the features inherent in different types of professional activity can be expressed in terms of socionics, and the distribution of TIMs confirms the objectivity of differences in the information structure of activities.
Key words: administration, management, socionics, socionic type, management level, professional field, chief engineer, accountant, economist, programmer, career growth.

New Technologies

Shlaina V.M.

Stress and panic in management activities

The stressful situations arising in administrative activity are described. The special attention is given panic conditions which arise during stress and will disorganize activity of managers and the organization as a whole. Recipes under the prevention of occurrence of such conditions, including elements of psychological trainings, are offered.
Key words: management, personnel, stress, management psychology.

New Technologies

Jelali V.I., Kulinichenko V.L.

The defining features of tomorrow's science

Active, and even more so massive scientific and technical activities, conducted and based on the initiative, each initiative, requires constant innovative support, a developed, personal and social innovative culture. The personal-social innovative culture plays a key role in solving all three basic tasks of moral development: activating leaders and a critical mass of the most prepared part of the population (scientists and inventors, teachers, workers, entrepreneurs, youth and the elderly, journalists, politicians) and accelerating the inclusion of the rest into an active creative process, their self-organization and material and technical support of such activities.
Key words: innovation, invention, competition, science, national development.

Problems of Education

Pilikyan K.G.

Psychological and pedagogical support of personality-oriented education

The personality-oriented education becomes possible only then, when an orientation on personality is a not simply abstract appeal, deprived methods of his realization and given on the tax farming to teaching recovery of sight, and concrete pedagogical technology, leaning against psychological conformities to the law. The program is described for teachers “Socionics as innovative technology”.
Key words: socionics, types of psyche, interpersonality relationships, forms of information, teaching, education, pedagogical psychology, pedagogical socionics, innovative educational establishments, teacher-experimenter, educational motivation, personal and business potential of the teacher..

Socionic Methods

Tsypin P.E.

Methods for determining the socionic type

The advantages and disadvantages of various methods for determining the socionic type are analyzed.
Key words: socionics, typing, TIM, test, diagnostics.

Socionic Portraits

Rozova M.Yu.

Personality of Sergei Yesenin from the point of view of socionics

The psychological portrait of the poet Sergei Yesenin is analyzed. Based on an analysis of his poems and letters on 12 Augustinavichute-Reynin criteria, 4 small groups and 8 functions of model A leads to conclusion that informational metabolism type of Sergey Esenin was intuitive-ethical introvert (TE).
Key words: socionics, informational metabolism type, diagnostics on texts, Augustinavichute-Reynin criteria, small groups, model A.

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Management and Personnel 1-2/2019

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Менеджмент и кадры…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

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Tags: management, journal, issue, personnel

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