Delivery Information
You can pay for your order in any convenient way: by bank card, by account, in cash at the terminal, etc. in any currency. You can select the currency in which prices are indicated in the list at the top of the page. After placing an order, a confirmation letter with a list of ordered products will be sent to your e-mail.
The vast majority of products in our store are electronic copies of magazines, articles and books. We do not deliver printed materials.
After paying for the order (you may have to wait 2-3 hours for the payment to go through), you will receive an email (one more!) Stating that the order has been completed. After that, the ordered files will become available in the "My Account" section in the "Downloads".
If the payment did not go through, there is no need to issue a "return order", the smart program will do everything by itself.
For all questions or difficulties, please, write to us.
Enjoy reading!