Issue # 3-4/2019 of “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology…” journal
Socionics Methods in Management
Solomko L.R.
The main factor in the effectiveness of organizations is worth the investment
The discovery made at the intersection of human sciences and the informatization of society is described, it can only be compared with the discovery of a periodic system of chemical elements. The necessity of educating personnel at all levels regarding it is shown. Socionics offers objective methods for finding the causes of contradictions in society, in production and other groups, in the family, and methods for eliminating these contradictions.
Key words: socionics, team relations, personality type, conflict, conflict resolution, management, leader, staff.
Shlaina V.M.
Socionics and global competences of the 21st century
A person of the future must be ready to live in a multicultural society, accept different value systems and fulfill his tasks, taking into account their diversity. Thanks to the use of socionic knowledge and skills, it is possible from childhood to develop people's creative inclinations and their innate tendencies, taking into account socionic types, as well as to teach people to interact respectfully - not to harm another person, neither physical nor moral.
Key words: multicultural society, socionics, socionic type, interactions in society, teamwork, ability to criticize and self-criticize, intercultural differences.
Management Tools
Udalova Ye.A., Frolova M.G.
How do the pre-socionical recommendations to stimulate work?
A number of recommendations on staff incentives and motivating children, given in the literature on management and psychology is analyzed, as well as the concept of the Pyramid of needs by A. Maslow is critically examined. It is shown that in most cases typological and individual differences of people are not taken into account, that significantly reduces their practical feasibility. Only socionics is able to give recommendations on conveying important information to each of the sixteen types. These recommendations are based on information processing models in the structure of each type, which have been polished by decades of research and verified on a huge practical material.
Key words: management, psychology, staff stimulation, child motivation, Maslow pyramid, socionics, personality type, information processing, psyche structure.
Karpenko O.B, Bukalov A.V.
Professional activities and socionic type
Based on the long-term consulting work of the International Institute of Socionics at more than 140 enterprises, firms, companies, banks and retail chains, including 30 enterprises of RAO Gazprom and 20 related organizations of various types of activity in the Far North, there are considered the issues of the connection of the socionic types features with various types of professional activity. Each company has both “specialized” (linear) departments that meet the specifics of the company as a whole, and “auxiliary” departments that serve this activity (for example, accounting, transportation, etc.). Grouping of departments by type of activity - production; control; commerce; services sector; scientific and technical sphere; security; the medicine; sport - made it possible to study the distribution of socionic types in professional fields. A good correspondence has found between the distribution of informational metabolism types and the specifics of the informational structure of professional activity, which confirms the basic principles of socionics.
Key words: administration, management, socionics, socionic type, professional sphere of activity, production, management, commerce, service sector, scientific and technical sphere, information structure of professional activity.
New Technologies
Jelali V.I., Kulinichenko V.L.
The defining features of tomorrow's science
Active, and even more so massive scientific and technical activities, conducted and based on the initiative, each initiative, requires constant innovative support, a developed, personal and social innovative culture. The personal-social innovative culture plays a key role in solving all three basic tasks of moral development: activating leaders and a critical mass of the most prepared part of the population (scientists and inventors, teachers, workers, entrepreneurs, youth and the elderly, journalists, politicians) and accelerating the inclusion of the rest into an active creative process, their self-organization and material and technical support of such activities.
Key words: innovation, invention, competition, science, national development.
Kruchinkina D.I.
Function of “volitional sensation” in oral speech
Analysis of socionical interviews shows that in the spontaneous oral speech of the persons, which type having the “volitional sensing” function in the verbal blocks (Ego and SuperId) of A-model, the lexicon of this aspect makes approximately 28 % from lexicon of all other aspects. For types, which have this function in the labor blocks (Superego and Id), the similar lexicon makes only 6 % from the general lexical file.
Key words: socionics, information model of mentality, lexicon, psychology, verbal blocks, labor blocks, A-model, language communications.
Popov V.P., Krajnjuchenko I.V.
Problems on the way to the noosphere society
Problems on a way of humanity to noosphere society are examined. It is shown that numerous variants of social behavior of people are defined by the small set of base genetic programs. Domination of animal instincts over other components of psyche (reason, intuition etc.) is considered as the factor, braking humanity’s evolution. The culture and ideology are considered as mechanisms of management of society. Problems of property and fair compensation for work are analyzed.
Key words: humanity, psyche, instincts, society, history, culture, ideology, evolution, noosphere.
Management and Personnel 3-4/2019
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Менеджмент и кадры…»
- Price in reward points: 30
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Tags: management, journal, issue, personnel