Issue # 1-2/2020 of “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology…” journal
New Technologies
Karpenko O.B, Bukalov A.V.
Socionics for the creation of teams, aviation and space crews with a high degree of compatibility
Informational models of the psyche, offered by the theory of informational metabolism - socionics, show the way to integrate a large array of experimental data, individual psychological theories and concepts into a single model of mental processes, which is able to describe individual psychological profiles of a person.
Key words: psychological compatibility, socionics, small group, collective, model of psyche, intertype rela-tionships.
Zvyagina O.G., Burtseva T.Yа.
Optimization of the educational process taking into account the socionic types of students
The authors` experience of using socionics in training at advanced training courses in the amount of 144 hours with a break from the production of nurses in the specialty "Physiotherapy" is stated. It is shown that the use of socionics in the process of practical training of nurses in PTE is useful and optimal in terms of the teacher's choice of teaching methods for students with different socionic TIMs.
Key words: socionics, personality type, attitude towards the type of activity, logic, ethics, intuition, sensing, learning, teaching, choice of teaching methods.
Effective Communication
Udalova Ye.A., Frolova M.G.
Socionic tools for stimulation
On the basis of the informational model of the psyche and Jung-Augustinavichute-Reinin dichotomies, socionics distinguishes various types of human motivation, communication styles, combinations of other psychological traits. This provides a variety of methods to stimulate human activity.
Key words: socionics, Reinin signs, quadras, stimuli to activity, communication styles, flexibility and scale of tasks.
Socionics Methods in Management
Tsypin P.Ye.
Effective motivators for different socionic types
The methods of motivation of the personnel are described. The analysis of motivation of each of 16 socionic types is carried out. The examples of reports of people of different types about own motivation are given.
Key words: motivation, socionics, personality type, motivator.
Social Psychology
Ant V.N.
Sociotypes and anti-crisis management
The social technology of crisis management is revealed by the example of politicians and leaders of public opinion - representatives of certain elementary types, sociotypes and integral types of nations and societies, which manifest themselves in different ways during a pandemic. The socio-typological mechanism of the phenomena of mass insanity, suggestion, fear and deterioration of public health is shown.
Key words: sociodiagnostics, sociotype, collective unconscious, social technologies, elementary types, socionics, synergetics, normalizing-power system (NSS), integral type of nation and society, COVID-19, “Homo ludens”, society of spectacle and absurdity, crisis management, quadras and the law of change of values.
Management Tools
Shlaina V.M.
Why does a businessman need emotional intellect?
The conception of emotional intellect (EQ) and methods of its development are considered. Connection of EQ with the types of information metabolism is discussed.
Key words: emotional intellect, socionics, psyche, type of information metabolism.
Management and Personnel 1-2/2020
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Менеджмент и кадры…»
- Price in reward points: 30
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Tags: management, journal, issue, personnel