Issue # 3-6/2020 of “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology…” journal
Bukalov A.V., Karpenko O.B.
Sigmund Freud and psychoanalysis in the light of socionics
Based on biographical data, memoirs and documents, an analysis of the psychological portrait of the founder of psychoanalysis, Sigmund Freud, is carried out. It is shown that his socionic type is the ethical-sensory introvert (ESI). It is discussed what psychoanalysis and its practice would be if it were created by a person of a different type. The status of psychoanalysis and aspects of experimental confirmation of its provisions in modern science are considered.
Key words: psychoanalysis, socionics, psychology, type of informational metabolism, Sigmund Freud, C. Jung, introversion, sensory, intuition, rationality, unconscious, consciousness, deep psychology.
Prokofieva T.N., Prokofiev V.G.
Speech groups
The article discusses socionic small groups based on "Оrder rings". A new view of them as “Speech groups” is given. The properties of these small groups, their meaning, re-flected in the name, and recommendations for use are analyzed and described.
Key words: socionics, small groups, tetratomy, oratory, public speaking, negotiations.
Socionics in nursery
Tumolska V.A.
Play as a tool for the diagnosis of TIM in children
Analysis of the child's play preferences, strategies of his behavior in play, choice of toys allows us to determine the socionic types of children.
Key words: socionics, developmental psychology, personality type, observation of children, socionic diagnostics, play.
Mathematical Methods in Socionics
Minaiev Yu.P., Joynton A.
Presentation of classic intertype relationships using four user-friendly dichotomies
The formal notation for the sixteen classical intertype relation operators can be decid-ed with four simple rules. We considered how these four simple rules are related to five cen-tral socion dichotomies. To understand how they are related, the properties of the non-abelian classical intertype relationships were explored with diagrams. Finally, a convenient algorithm was created for determining the correct formalize classical intertype relation code from these five socion dichotomies.
Key words: socionics, classical intertype relationships, group of intertype relation operators, Augusta–Reynin dichotomies, Jung–Minaiev dichotomies.
Psychotherapeutical Issues
Litvinenko I.Yu., Shapovalova L.A.
Theoretical and methodological problems of client-centered therapy. Part 2
The theoretical and methodological foundations of client-centered therapy are considered taking into account the tools of the typological approach by C.G. Jung and Socionics by A. Augustinavichiute.
Key words: psychology, psycho-therapy, client-centered therapy, C. Rogers, methodology, dialectic method, system approach, socionics.
Socionics 3-6/2020
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Tags: socionics, journal, issue, personality psychology