• Socionics  6/2019

Issue # 6/2019 of “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology…” journal


Bukalov A.V.

On the advantages of socionics over other post-Jungian typologies

A comparison of socionics as a science and technology with the Myers-Briggs typology and theory Keirsey is conducted. It is shown that, despite the general origin of these typologies from Jung's typology, socionics, in contrast, allows to give a complete picture of the structure of mental functions, description and forecast intertype relations in small and large groups. In the practical field socionics allows forming teams and collectives of any complexity and resolve conflicts. Using the information approach allows to apply the socionics methods in marketing, advertising, sociology and political science studies.
Key words: socionics, Myers-Briggs typology, Keirsey theory, informational model of psyche, management, small group, team, advertising, marketing.


Minaiev Yu.P.

From classic intertype relations to bipolar traits of types and back

A comparative analysis of two didactic directions of representation of the mathematical part of socionic theory has been carried out. In one case, the classic model of intertype relations, based on the representation of types of information metabolism by their models A, is first considered, and then bipolar traits of types are introduced. In another case, an attempt to obtain a classic table of intertype relations based on four-position codes, in which the types are assigned to the poles of basic bipolar traits, is made. Herewith, the intertype relation operators are defined by 4×4 matrices. The study of the second direction is continued. New opportunities to choose a suitable basis in which types are represented are shown. The “semi-Jungian” basis of bipolar traits is analyzed in detail.
Key words: socionics, types of information metabolism, intertype relations, groups of intertype relation operators, symbolic calculus of intertype relations, bipolar traits, Augustinavichiute‒Reynin traits, Jung‒Minaiev traits.

Prokofieva T.N., Prokofiev V.G.

Small groups “Planning styles”. Part 2. A-Model

The general in models A of types included in small groups “Planning styles” is considered, and the results of the experiment are described. Separate sections are devoted to the features of the techniques for the practical application of tetratomy, as well as to the answers to questions posed by participants in a scientific seminar on this topic. The article will be useful for socionists, managers and psychologists.
Key words: socionics, experiment, planning, type of informational metabolism, tetratomy, small groups, relaxation groups, “Square” groups.

Practice of typing

Mitin A.V., Rusina E.V.

On the problems of typing methods and solutions

The criteria of intersubjective perception of indicators for typing technologies are selected. There are selected criteria for the transferability properties of typing techniques. An example of the practical implementation of the typing technology by A.V. Mitin is used on the above criteria with an analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of the approach.
Key words: socionics, typing techniques, criteria, signs, C. Jung dichotomies, intersubjectivity, transmissibility, convergence, Mitin’s technique, the problem of objectivity of perception of the rationality scale.


Litvinenko I.Yu.

What else you have to know about the methodological instruments for the humanitarian sciences

It is presented the system of methodological instruments for the humanitarian science researches. It contains the most advanced theoretical achievements included those made by author.
Key words: socionics, humanitarian sciences, philosophy, world-vision, theory, methodology, system approach.

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Socionics 6/2019

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

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Tags: socionics, journal, issue, personality psychology