Issue # 11-12/2017 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal
Meged' V.V.
Archetypal accents of personality types
Deepening the consideration of the problem of personality types variability, the author leads the concept of archetypal accents associated with psychological phenomena called by C. Jung “archetypes” (prototypes of centuries-old collective experience laid in the human psyche at its unconscious level). Archetypal accents introduce additional features into manifestations of type attributes and in understanding the variability of the type of personality.
Key words: socionics, personality type, archetype, bioaccent, psychoaccent, archetypal accent, variability of personality type, typing.
Socionic Methods
Bukalov A.V.
The method of ranking socionic types on the aspects of the information flow
The ranking of the types of information metabolism according to the aspects of the information flow, taking into account the dimensions of the functions of information metabolism, is described. This allows you to compare the effectiveness and success of actions of socionic types on various information aspects.
Key words: socionics, informational aspect, psychological type, measurements of the functions of informational metabolism, information model of the psyche.
Befus Ju.N.
Successful professional self-realization for intuitive-logical extrovert («Don Quixote») based on the examples of famous personalities
The article analyzes the success of famous representatives of the intuitive-logical extrovert type «Don Quixote» from the position of socionics. The theoretical foundations of socionics are confirmed or denied with examples from their biographies.
Key words: socionics, intuitive-logical extravert, ILE, Don Quixote, model A, stimulation groups, professional self-realization.
Mathematical Methods in Socionics
Minaiev Yu.P., Datsenko I.P., Pinda M.V.
Simple rules of multiplication of bipolar traits
This article is the ninth in a series devoted to organization of student studies, where they will learn mathematical apparatus of socionics. This time we will talk about the introduction of formalized designations for bipolar traits, which are «voicing» sections of the socion, which are important from the point of view of classical intertype relations. This formalization makes it possible to formulate simple rules of multiplication of these bipolar traits. These rules will be used to agree lists of socionic types with lists of bipolar traits.
Key words: socionics, classical model of intertype relations, Augustinavichiute–Reinin traits, Jung–Minaiev traits, cosets by the normal subgroup, factor group.
Socionic Portraits
Eslyuk R.P.
Psychological types in biographies: J. Hillman and J.R.R. Tolkien as “knights of the spiritual image”
The types of informational metabolism of the post-Jungian psychotherapist J. Hillman and writer J.R.R.Tolkien were analyzed. On the basis of a comprehensive analysis of multiple sources it is proved that they belong to a type of intuitive-ethical introvert (IEI, TE) and revealed the general characteristics of the activities of both eminent personalities. The historical factors of the development of their ideas have been studied. Questions of methodological development of socionic psychobiography method are raised.
Key words: socionics, definition of the type of information metabolism, socionic psychobiograhy, J.Hillman, J.R.R. Tolkien, post-Jungianism, mythology, fantasy genre, active imagination, intuitive-ethical introvert.
Intertype relationships
Gerasimov V.V.
Misconceptions about socionic intertype relationships and the causes of their occurrence in beginning socionics
The article is devoted to myths and misconceptions in socionic intertype relations, as well as to the distorted interpretation of certain phenomena in socionics and its influence on the perception of socionic science by people at the popular-public level. This material can be useful for socionics-theorists, socionics practitioners and people who are only acquainted with socionics.
Key words: socionics, intertype relations, socionic IR, myths in socionics, gender stereotypes, type of information metabolism.
Psychology & Socionics 11-12/2017
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
- Price in reward points: 30
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Tags: psychology, journal, issue, relations