• Psychology & Socionics  7-8/2017

Issue # 7-8/2017 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal


Meged' V.V.

Archetypal accents of personality types

Deepening the consideration of the problem of personality types variability, the author leads the concept of archetypal accents associated with psychological phenomena called by C. Jung “archetypes” (prototypes of centuries-old collective experience laid in the human psyche at its unconscious level). Archetypal accents introduce additional features into manifestations of type attributes and in understanding the variability of the type of personality.
Key words: socionics, personality type, archetype, bioaccent, psychoaccent, archetypal accent, variability of personality type, typing.

Ovcharov A.A.

Peronality-focused approaches in people management

Within the limits of the management theory system, process and situational approaches in management of people are described. Efficiency Jung`s and socionical models of personality for application in management is shown.
Key words: management, personality typology, structure of personality.

Karpenko O.B.

How the settings by Berne-Bukalov affects the socionic type

Influence of settings by Berne-Bukalov on socionic type functioning is considered. It is shown that in a case “–”-settings passivity and feebleness on one aspect is compensated or combined with redundancy, confidence on similar aspect of opposite color.
Key words: socionics, settings, type of information metabolism, aspect of information stream, A-model.

Mathematical Methods in Socionics

Minaiev Yu.P., Datsenko I.P., Lisitsyn R.V., Pinda M.V.

Classical intertype relation operators as transformations of 3D models information metabolism types

This article is the seventh in a series devoted to organization of student studies, where they will learn mathematical apparatus of socionics. Exercises that are considered this time will enable students to get acquainted with of 3D variant of Model A in the form of tetragonal prism, and also to compare the symmetry group of this prism with the group of classical intertype relation operators.
Key words: socionics, Model A, symmetry group, tetragonal prism, group of operators, intertype relations, group isomorphism.

Socionic Portraits

Protzky T.S.

Socionic type of Leonid Brezhnev

A socionic type of a Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev is considered based on materials of researchers, historians, and documentary films. The justifications for the proposed version on dichotomies and aspects are given, typical socionic features of the Brezhnev era are considered.
Key words: socionics, socionic type, quadral values, typing celebrities, leaders of the USSR.

Practice of typing

Popova G.A., Krivo Yu.A., Krivo N.E., Labuzo A.K.

Determination of the Augustinavichute-Reinin trait “statics-dynamics” by biomechanical tests in socionics, medicine, physical culture and health technologies, and sport

A physiological experimental method for determining the Augustinavichyute-Reinin trait of statics-dynamics, as the psycho-physiological properties of a particular person, the type of informational metabolism using the Augustinavichyute model is proposed. This is a natural science technology that uses anatomically-physiologically justified biomechanical tests (a flexion test for Samorukov, etc.), concepts of socionics and determining the physiological and psychic properties of a person. Author's method by Krivo Yu.A. is available for training.
Key words: socionics, psychology, therapy, medicine, osteopathy, kinesiology, biomechanical, statics-dynamics, type of information metabolism, functional system.


Litvinenko I.Yu.

The submission about the Most High: the ways of understanding (socionics analysis)

It is shown that the submission about the Most High is making by two different ways — intuitive-ethic and intuitive-logic what is responding to religion and science. It is making the conclusion that religion way of the faith is more uncapacious in comparison with the scientific way of cognition. It is proposed to use the term “Over-system” for the most general this phenomena.
Key words: socionics, religion, faith, God, science, cognition, Over-system.

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Psychology & Socionics 7-8/2017

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

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