Issue # 5-6/2016 of “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology…” journal
New Technologies
Kovalenko R.K.
Application of socionics in the teambuilding during training of students
It had been described the results of experimental investigation on the application of socionics approach in teambuilding by training students of technics
Key words: socionics, education, teambuilding, type of information metabolism, TIM diagnostic technique, quadra, group of “planning styles”.
Social Psychology
Jelali V.I., Kulinichenko V.L.
The spiritual and innovative aspects of social adaptation of elderly and young people
The meaning of a special, creative and innovative activities for the social adaptation of young and elderly people is multi-faceted and thorough work that promotes the disclosure and use of their innovation potential for personal, family and public interest. It is necessary to start with such programs that provide the new technologies, form and structure not for a simple physical survival, but for solving important social, spiritual and psycho-physiological developmental problems. Both socialization of a young man and adaptation, rehabilitation of an old man, rooting them in the new stage of individual life will be the natural result of such activities.
Key words: social adaptation, innovation, age, educational objectives, creativity.
Ant V.N.
Political dynamics of society: experience of socioanalysis
The peculiarities of the sociological dynamics of the political structure of Russian society are considered. It is shown that the current model of development requires changes.
Key words: society, politics, social dynamics, sociology, economic development, socioanalysis.
Socionic Methods
Meged V.V., Ovcharov A.A.
On the difference between the methods of socionics and psychology
It is demonstrated that Socionics possesses a powerful tool of analyzing personality and interpersonal relationships, which may successfully complement traditional psychological methods. The difference between methods of psychology and the theory of psyche informational metabolism, also called Socionics, is considered.
Key words: socionics, psychology, personality types, psyche model, interpersonal relations, system approach.
Vladimirov O.M.
Expert speech of TIM
The article is devoted to questions of expert speech, when a person speaks to his strong functions. There are discussed the questions about the beliefs of others and psychological confidence. Examples of expert “convincing” essays are given.
Key words: socionics, public speaking, persuasion mechanisms, psychological confidence, type of informational metabolism, strong functions.
Bukalov A.V.
Extended model of socionic type
it is proposed a 4-level socionic model of the informational metabolism type, which includes, in addition to the mental and vital loops, also informational loops of the superconscious and physical levels.
Key words: socionics, informational metabolism model, superconscious level, mental level, vital level, physical level.
Susanin V.V.
Development of socionic type LIE and its interaction with society
The article is devoted to the implementation of their socionic type by people with TIM LIE (PT). There are considered the different variants of filling functions on the model A in not the best of circumstances (location in another's quadra for example).
Key words: socionics, informational metabolism type, strong function, weak functions, development of type, model A.
Yakshin S.K.
Why do we need socionics
Socionics is important both in interpersonal and in family communication, as by the knowledge model A significantly reduced the probability of conflicts and improving the quality of communication. In addition, the dichotomy sensing-intuition allows to concern own health more attentively. From the point of view of sensory-logical introvert (SLI, SP, “Gabin”) it is considered the expediency of socionics.
Key words: socionics, TIM, A-model, sensory-logical introvert, functions, painful point.
Pedan T.P.
Qudras` values, the problems of society and the individual at their replacement
Manifestations of quadral values in life on the example of Ukraine and author's own family.
Key words: society, quadral values, system independence, personal development, social justice.
Socionic Practical Training
Shlaina V.M.
Tasks and responsibilities in socionic consulting
The problem of responsibility socionics consultant is the most important moral problem and, of course, it is key in the relationship consultant and client. It is described the typical mistakes of inexperienced consultants and proposed measures to prevent them.
Key words: socionics, consulting, definition of socionic type, communication psychology, psychology of relationships.
Management Tools
Shidlovsky I., Ayurzanayev O., Razuvaeva T.
How to create a selling site
There are given detailed recommendations on the organization of business projects to create websites, offering consulting services.
Key words: consulting services, sale, internet, website creation.
Informational Structure of Society
Popov V.P., Krainjuchenko I.V.
The concept of “system”
The use of the term “system” in different contexts is considered. It is analyzed the classification of the set of definitions of the term. The most versatile is a generalization of the definition of "system" as a set of related elements to achieve a certain goal.
Key words: system, knowledge, methodology.
Management and Personnel 5-6/2016
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Менеджмент и кадры…»
- Price in reward points: 30
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