• Consultation on career guidance and motivation

Despite the existence of numerous tests for career guidance, 30 years of practical work by experts from the International Institute of Socionics shows that it is not enough to know the purely professional interests and inclinations of a person to solve career guidance issues. It is necessary to understand his inner personal motivation. But this motivation is mostly hidden in the subconscious, camouflaged by the attitudes accepted in society or brought up in the family. To identify it, special psychological tools are needed.

The counseling on career guidance and motivation is based on the results of a number of tests. Depending on the age, we offer different sets of career guidance tests. After paying for the consultation, you will receive links to online tests that you should take. Our experts will decipher the results of these tests and then - in the course of a conversation-consultation - will give you specific advice and recommendations on choosing a direction of education and field of activity.

The consultation is conducted by Alexander Valentinovich Bukalov, Ph.D., director of the International Institute of Socionics, and Olga Bogdanovna Karpenko, Ph.D., deputy. Director of the International Institute of Socionics.

The duration of the consultation is about 1 hour. You can ask any related questions.


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Consultation on career guidance and motivation

  • Product Code: консультация
  • $50.00

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