At an individual psychological-socionic consultation, you will not only find out your socionic type and a number of psychological parameters, but also get answers to your questions and advice from a psychologist for a more complete personal realization.
Qualified specialists will tell you about the structure of your personality type, its strengths, needs and characteristics. This will give you confidence in your abilities and help you choose the right area of professional implementation, resolve the problems that have arisen, and eliminate conflicts with loved ones.
Consultations take place online, via Zoom, Skype, Viber or WhatsApp. The rich experience of the staff of the International Institute of Socionics gives them the opportunity to consult remote clients with the same efficiency as with personal contact.
The duration of the consultation is about 1.5 hours.
Consultation languages: Russian, Ukrainian, English.
Socionic on-line-consultation
- Product Code: консультация
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