Issue # 9-10/2019 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal
Problems of education
Shevchenko S.V.
The development of social relations in the student group as a condition for the formation of a collective
The article is devoted to the analysis and assessment of the level of development in the student group of social relations characteristic of the collective, the presence of which provides a favorable psychological microclimate in the group. The results of the empirical research showed that for most students, the main thing is accessibility to all group members of information, emotional relationships between group members, and only then — the desire to solve all issues together, the unity of opinion of group members and the ability to organize in the structure of relationships. That is, all those kinds of relationships that are decisive in determining the group as a team and ensuring the formation of a favorable psychological microclimate in it.
Key words: collective, social relations, student group, psychological microclimate, mutual relations.
Intertype relationships
Ceprova E.
Activation relationship influence on intuitive-logical introvert
This article is devoted for the positive activation relationship influence towards growth and development of intuitive-logical introvert (TP). Theory of socionics is prooved by real life examples, by making conclusions and providing advices.
Key words: socionics, model A, stimulator groups, proffesional implementation, type of informational metabolism, ethics of relationship, intuition of opportunities, ethics of emotions, intuition of time, inter-type relations, relations of activation.
Riga A., Pedan T.P.
What to do if you love not dual? Correspondence of types of relations to the features of certain TIMs
The author’s understanding of the features of different types of relationships in socionics is described: what unites partners, and what destroys relationships, and the deep perception of relationships by association with the characteristic features of each TIM.
Key words: socionics, relations, dual, duality, communication, mutual understanding, love, TIM, partner, conflict, correction of relations.
Mathematical methods in socionics
Minaiev Yu.P., Datsenko I.P., Pinda M.V.
Information aspects and macroaspects: typical checking tasks on the basics of mathematical methods in socionics
This article is the twentieth in a series devoted to organization of student studies, where they will learn mathematical apparatus of socionics. A system of typical checking tasks on the topic “Information aspects and macroaspects” is proposed. Each of these tasks is formulated in a general way and then can be presented in several versions requiring the application of the learned material to a given specific case. It is assumed that all the students who have completed the course of study should learn to perform such tasks.
Key words: socionics, mathematical methods, group, subgroup, binary operation, information aspects and macroaspects, groups of bipolar traits.
Socionics in nursery
Ovcharov A.A.
Specifics of determining the type of personality for children
The article considers methods of testing children and includes the author’s test for determination of children psychological types.
Key words: socionics, personality type diagnostics, psychology, children testing.
Practice of typing
Eglit I.M., Piatnitski V.V.
Convergence of results in determining the socionic type by a parametric model
A technique for evaluation of convergence of typists, diagnosing TIM on a parametric model, is described. The experimental results on the convergence of schooling system socionics are given. It is described the result of an independent analysis of individual fragments of text from an author and the convergence of the results to a model of TIM.
Key words: socionics, typing, model of TIM.
Meged' V.V.
The main problems of typing in socionics
The difficulties of creating socionic tests are considered. It is shown that the type definition should take into account its variations, type accents, subtypes, psychoforms and a number of other factors.
Key words: socionics, personality type, definition of socionic type, type accents, test.
Speaking for oneself
Gurina N.Yu.
Socionics is the doctrine of beauty of the person
It is considered how knowledge of the socionic type of the personality and ability to understand model a helps the person to develop beauty of the personality, on the example of work of blocks of model A of LSI (LF).
Key words: socionics, type of information metabolism (TIM), model A, EGO block, SUPEREGO block, SUPERID block, ID block, communication levels, personality beauty.
In the end of the issue
Krivo N.E.
Psychology & Socionics 9-10/2019
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
- Price in reward points: 30
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Tags: psychology, journal, issue, relations