Issue # 11-12/2019 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal
Problems of education
Chykyrysova G.V., Karpenko O.B., Bukalov A.V.
Socionic technology at school
Methods of Socionics as the theory of the information structure of psyche and intertype relations are usefull in teaching, learning and the formation of classes, and for optimizing the “teacher-student” system.
Key words: socionics, pedagogy, psychology, relationships, academic achievement, teacher-student interaction.
Socionics in nursery
Zvonareva N.A.
Imagination education in children of preschool age of different type
The article deals with the development of imagination in preschool children from the perspective of different types of information with examples of classes
Key words: socionics, children, imagination, education, practical exercises.
Intertype relationships
Stroganov V.V.
Some difficulties in activation relations
There are analysed the intertype activation relationsusing non-complementary and conflictogenic characters. The purpose of the study is to show negative aspects that are person, communicating with the activator, worth paying attention to everyone. This information can be useful to anyone who is interested in building a harmonious relationship.
Key words: socionics, intertype relationships, activation, IL (ILE), ES (ESE).
Riga A., Pedan T.P.
Why dual relationships do not always work
There are an analysis of the reasons for the dissatisfaction of dual partners and recommendations for harmonizing relations.
Key words: duality, socionics, personality, psyche, self-realization, self-sufficiency, self-improvement, relations, TIM, subpersonality, quadra.
Trofimova Anna Alekseevna
Analysis of the situation of raising a child under the order and under the supervision of parents
It is analyzed the relationship between family members, consider the influence of the dual parental pair on the formation of the child’s socionic “mask”. The difficulties of diagnosis and self-diagnosis in such a situation are analyzed.
Key words: socionic type, quadral values, intertype relationships.
Practical Socionics
Prokofiev V.G., Ryazantceva E.A.
Diagnostics of socionic type by content analysis of information aspects
The article presents the results of a study of the approach to the diagnosis of socionic type by direct content analysis of the subjects' texts. Encouraging results were obtained and objectives for the further development and improvement of the methodology were formulated.
Key words: socionics, content analysis, informational aspect, semantics.
Socionic methods
Gurov S.A.
On the names of socionic small groups “groups of perception”
Based on observations in the mountain trekking for representatives of the different personality types, the author proposes his own approach to writing up and the naming of socionic small groups “groups of perception”, justifies the proposed name.
Key words: socionics, groups of perception, groups of perception, groups of installation of perception, punctuals, creators, Hedonists, pedants, thorough, flexible, receptive, distributive, commutative, dissociative, associative, hike, mountains..
Mathematical methods in socionics
Minaiev Yu.P., Datsenko I.P., Joynton A.
23 of the possible 217 tetrachotomies that partition the set of 16 types into four “homogeneous” subsets of four types
This article is the twenty-first in a series of publications devoted to the pedagogical application of the mathematical methods of socionics. There are 217 possible tetrachotomies that divide the set of 16 types of information metabolisms into four “homogeneous” subsets of four types. We consider the 23 tetrachotomies that can be generated with the help of left and right cosets of fourth order intertype relationship subgroups. Only these 23 tetrachotomies of the possible 217 can be organized by using Augustinavichiute‒Reynin traits and Jung‒Minaiev traits.
Key words: socionics, types of informational metabolism, classical intertype relationships, mathematical methods, group, subgroup, binary operation, cosets, group of operators of classical intertype relationships, dichotomies of socion, tetrachotomies of socion, groups of bipolar traits, Augustinavichiute‒Reynin traits, Jung‒Minaiev traits.
Meged' V.V.
Mission of ethics in society
The social mission of the ethical personality type and its manifestations in the social life are described.
Key words: socionics, ethical personality type, logic, ethic.
Personality psychology
Rezvov I.P., Tzygenov A.V.
The function of Will in psychosophy and the work of A-model in socionics
What is the third function in psyhosophy? Whether influences psyhosophy on socionics? What is the third Will? Whether influences the third-Will on A-model? In this article we will share personal experiences, present life examples, analyze the influence of the third-Will on horizontal blocks of A-model, tell about overcontrol of the third-Will.
Key words: socionics, psyhosophy, third Will, super-process, super-result, horizontal blocks, SuperId, SuperEgo, Id, Ego, A-model.
Speaking for oneself
Nadezhdinskaya Veronica
“Yesenin” or “Zhukov”? — history of my transformation
The article examines the features, differences and similarities between the TIMs of IEI (TE, “Yesenin”) and SLE (FL, “Zhukov”) based on Model A, signs of Augustinavichute-Reinin and small groups. Examples of their manifestations in TIM SLE in everyday life are given.
Key words: socionics, dichotomies, model A, Augustinavichute-Reinin signs, small groups, IEI, SLE.
In the end of the issue
Krivo N.E.
A flacon
Psychology & Socionics 11-12/2019
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
- Price in reward points: 30
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Tags: psychology, journal, issue, relations