• Socionics  6/2017

Issue # 6/2017 of “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology…” journal


Shalyukhina S.V.

Tetratomy «Quasi-quadra» and the role of characteristics evaluation / situation in interpersonal communication

It is examined a tetratomy «Quasi-quadra» with the description of subgroups, examples of its application had been given. Also the use of vertical blocks and the characteristics of the functions of evaluation / situationality for interpersonal communication had been described.
Key words: socionic, quasi-quadra, vertical blocks, ownership block, evaluation functions, situationality functions, negotiation, debate, worldview.

Gololobov N.S.

Analysis of perfomances of the tetratomy «Forms of thinking» on the example of generation of ideas by method of brainstorm

The performances of a tetratomy «Forms of thinking» had been considered on the example of joint development of ideas by participants in experiments in the framework of brainstorming.
Key words: socionic, tetratomy, forms of thinking, brainstorming, joint generation of ideas.


Litvinenko I.Yu.

How to title the information aspects correctly

It is proposed and based the variant of titling the information aspects which is based on their connection with the information metabolism functions. In the result it gets up as the construction using adjective as: “aspects of emotive ethics”.
Key words: socionics, information aspects, information metabolism functions.

Protzky T.S.

How correct is the term “volitional sensing”?

The semantic content of the term “volitional sensing” from the point of view of classical socionic sources and from the point of view of philosophy and psychology is considered. The problem of differentiation of the volitional component in the psyche is analyzed, the main difficulties and possible solutions are described. Observations of representatives of various psychological types are given, generalizations and conclusions are given in the context of the topic.
Key words: socionics, extrovert sensation, black sensing, Carl Gustav Jung, psychological types, volitional sensing, will, psychology, psychosophy.

Mathematical Methods in Socionics

Minaiev Yu.P., Datsenko I.P., Pinda M.V.

Structure of the minimum group of the socion sections containing the Augustinavichiute-Reinin traits group and the Jung-Minaiev traits group in its composition

Studying of the 32-element subgroup of the 32768-element group of all possible sections of the socion is continued. This group is distinguished from the point of view of classical intertype relations. It is the minimum in number of elements group of sections of the socion, which contains as subgroups the Augustinavichiute-Reinin traits group and the Jung-Minaiev traits group in its composition. These are two groups of central sections of the socion that provide all “good” sections of the socion, under which the same set of operators of classical (according to Augustinavichiute) intertype relations is realized in each part. The 8-element factor group in the normal 4-element subgroup, which included, in addition to the trait of existence, such bipolar traits: irrationals/rationals, democrats/aristocrats, right/left, was used as a research tool.
Key words: socionics, classical intertype relations, group of all possible sections of the socion, group of central sections, bipolar traits, Augustinavichiute–Reinin traits group, Jung–Minaiev traits group, factor group, normal subgroup, cosets, homomorphism.

Socionics and Life

Yermak V.D., Rumyantseva T.A.

TIM and love

The concept and manifestations of love are considered and described from the point of view of socionics and the types of information metabolism.
Key words: socionics, psychology, love, experience, emotion, personality type, type of information metabolism.

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Socionics 6/2017

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

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