• Socionics  1/2016

Issue # 1/2016 of “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology…” journal

Socionics and psychology

Karpenko O.B.

Psychological defenses in terms of socionics

It is described in detail and analyzed the connection problems of adaptation, psychological defenses and emotions with socionic concepts, the structure of informational metabolism type and its model.
Key words: socionics, psychology, adaptation, psychological defense, emotion, role in the group, mental function, personality type, SuperEgo, SuperId.

Eglit I.M.

EGO through the prism of Socionics

It is considered the concept of ego in the religious, philosophical and psychological doctrines. The concept of ego in socionics is analyzed. There are described the role of functions of informational metabolism in the block Ego of A-model, the role of the functions dimensions by A. Bukalov in the perception and processing of information.
Key words: socionics, psychology, functions of informational metabolism, dimension of functions, EGO.

Socionics and Management

Banaru A.M., Banaru D.A.

The types of professions: general trends in Socion

According to the classification of professions by E.A. Klimov, general trends in preferences of different sociotypes for different professions are considered. Small groups demonstrating the most and the least preference for each profession type are identified. These trends should be clarified by the means of the following levels of E.A. Klimov's classification.
Key words: professions, communicability groups, clubs.

Mathematical Methods in Socionics

Minaiev Yu.P., Datsenko I.P., Shevchenko E.G.

Formalize symbols of classic intertype relation operators

Formalize symbols of classic intertype relation operators are proposed in the article. Structural features of 16-element non-Abelian group of these operators are reflected in the new symbols. Introduced symbols made it possible to simplify multiplication of operators and subgroup search.socionics, intertype relations theory, intertype relation operators, group center, cosets, symbols formalization
Key words: socionics, intertype relations theory, intertype relation operators, group center, cosets, symbols formalization.

Informational Structure of Society

Litvinenko I.Yu.

Methodological using the “Contrapunctive double-tetron” model for the conceptualization of the Ukrainian national idea

The discussional item of “national idea” is represented as ordered complexity using the “Contrapunctive double-tetron” model as methodological instrument. As a result this subject is outcoming as neither four-level nor such the requiring of fill-in each level by its maintenance. It is made the attempt to fill such levels for the Ukrainian national idea.
Key words: socionics, philosophy, methodology, Contrapunctive double-tetron, national idea, Ukraine.

Speaking for Oneself

Pedan T.P.

The dynamics of the psyche on the A-model in duality

It is analysis of the influence on the harmony of duality manifestation of the partners in the separate blocks of A-model on the author`s personal example.
Key words: socionics, psyche structure, mental features, Model A, Model A blocks, extrovert, introvert, duality, relationships, harmony, freedom, development, personal growth.

Socionics and medicine

Frolova M.G

Connection between socionics and medicine

There are considered the features and fundamental differences the perception of sensory and intuitive types of information metabolism their health, body needs, the external environment, the time ratio of work and rest, the cost of effort for a particular activity. The recommendations, which health care professionals may use at work with the sensory and intuitive types, are given.
Key words: socionics, medicine, sensing, intuition, health, physiology, labor, work, rest, physical overload, psychic overload.



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Socionics 1/2016

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: socionics, journal, issue, personality psychology

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