Issue # 2/2015 of “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology…” journal
Eglit I.M.
On the directions in A-model
There are described the mechanisms directed, purposeful processes in the information model of the psyche - the A-model. Two control centers in the model and their work are considered.
Key words: socionics, type of informational metabolism, model of psyche, control center, extroversion, introversion, informational metabolism function.
Integral Socionics
Tumolska V.A.
Using the tools of linguistic analysis in determining the integral TIMs. Part 1.
This article is the first part of a series on the use of linguistic analysis in the identification of ITIM. It is considered hypothesis about the relationship between language and thought, which underlies the linguistic approach to the definition of ITIM; examined the concept of "fate" in Russian, English and German cultures from the perspective of linguistic and socionic analysis.
Key words: socionics, A-model, integral type of information metabolism, mentality, language, linguistics, lexis, semantic field, concept.
Mathematical Methods in Socionics
Minaiev Yu.P.
The modernization of geometric representation of the group of intertype relation operators in Socion
It is expanded the idea of geometric representation of the group of intertype relation operators in Socion which was initially proposed by A. Banaru and D. Enina. Bijection between socionical and geometrical objects is proved by using the advanced matrix formalism. It is shown how to replace some 3d pictures from A. Banaru and D. Enina article by one 2d picture.
Key words: socion, the group of intertype relation operators, the symmetry group of tetragonal prism, dihedral groups, matrix formalism of intertype relations.
Problems of Education
Grigorova Yu.B.
The experimental investigation of students personality on the result of the joint activity
This article is devoted to the influence of personality type on the productivity of joint activities. A feature article is the use of socionic methods for the formation of groups engaged in joint activities
Key words: socionics, system interaction, information space, type of information metabolism.
Intertype relationships
Tsypin P.E.
On a dual relationship in pairs “left” contract rings
It is shown that for the types belonging to the "left" social progress loop, the initial assessment and the choice of a dual partner will be more difficult than for the types of "right" loop.
Key words: socionics, dual relationship, psychology, "right-left" trait, signs of functions.
Problems of Socionic Education
Samoljuk S.S.
Educational lectures on socionics
The author describes the experience of conducting educational lectures on socionics for students and professionals of communication professions: teachers, psychologists and social workers. The listeners introduce the basic concepts of socionics and scope of its application.
Key words: socionics, psychology, social protection, education.
Practice of typing
Shlaina V.M.
Responsibility of socionist-consultant
The problem of responsibility socionics consultant is the most important moral problem and, of course, it is key in the relationship consultant and client. It is described the typical mistakes of inexperienced consultants and proposed measures to prevent them.
Key words: socionics, consulting, definition of socionic type, communication psychology, psychology of relationships.
Litvinenko I.Yu.
Modern methodology as the metaphorical result of Western rationalization of Eastern wisdom
It is presented the metaphorical view on the imaginary “rationalization” of “yin-yang” monad, which will result in a universal methodological construction of two four-level triangles, specially arranged opposite each other. This structure is called a “double contrapuntal tetron”. It is shown that the classical eight-component A-model is also a double contrapuntal tetron.
Key words: socionics, philosophy, methodology, double contrapuntal tetron, A-model.
Churyumov S.I.
Why do in socionics distort the general scientific terminology?
Differentiating feature of tactics and strategy is analyzed; it is shown that the title and content of this feature are contradictory; arguments in favor of changing its name are given; a hypothesis about the relationship of tactical and strategic abilities with the semantic fields of perception and intuition is put forward.
Key words: Augustinavichiute-Reinin’s features (ARF), errors in socionical terminology.
Personality Psychology
Uvarova Yu.Yu.
Features of influence of high Emotions and low Logic on Afanasyev typology on socionic type TP (ILI)
It is presented the description of socionic type ILI (intuitive-logical introvert, TP) and influence the location of such functions as emotion and logic in Afanasyev typology. In this paper it is considered an example of the “Ghazali” type: 1) Emotion, 2) Will, 3) Logic, 4) Physics.
Key words: socionics, psihosofiya, Model, Emotion 1, 3 logic, operational logic, structural logic, ethics of emotions, ethics of relationships, intuitive-logical introvert.
Socionics 2/2015
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Соционика…»
- Price in reward points: 30
Tags: socionics, journal, issue, personality psychology