• Socionics  3/2016

Issue # 3/2016 of “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology…” journal


Karpenko O.B.

Socionic trait “static-dynamic” in the graphic arts and drawing tests

“Static-dynamic” trait reveals itself in human behavior, in his speech, features of facial expressions, movements, handwriting and drawing, in the specific perception of the world as a whole. But for the purposes of determining the socionic type it is important to single out the markers of this trait in the picture. In search of characteristic markers there are compared works of the masters of Japanese prints Hokusai and Hiroshige, and European graphic artists. In the final part of the work the discovered patterns are illustrated with numerous examples of the performing drawing tests by representatives of different socionic types.
Key words: socionics, socionic type, statics, dynamics, determination of type, drawing tests, graphic arts.

Frolova M.G.

Potentiality intuition - History and Present

It is considered in detail the semantics of the information aspect of “potentiality intuition” (extraverted intuition according to C.G. Jung). There are described its manifestations, features of perception and creativity on this function.
Key words: socionics, potentiality intuition, psychology, mental function, personality type.

Simonova O.V.

Emotive ethics for introverted logicians

There are described the features of manifestations of emotive ethics in 4 introverted logical types: LII (LI), LSI (LF), ILI (TP) and SLI (SP).
Key words: socionics, personality type, emotive ethics, logic, introversion.

Practice of typing

Eglit I.M.

On the term “value” in Socionics

The author describes the use of the attribute “value” in the diagnosis of TIM, lists the possible errors in the understanding that there is value, the substitution of domestic understanding and interpretations of other sciences, and gives recommendations for the assessment of value of the function in the TIM diagnostics.
Key words: socionics, TIM, value, diagnostics, control emotions of attraction / repulsion.

Intertype relationships

Vasilyeva V.S., Izaak E.A.

The revision relations between ES (ESE) - SP (SLI)

There are analyzed the features of display of revision relations between TIMs ES (ESE) and SP (SLI), over many years of friendship. Examples of interactions in different functions are given. There are proposed ways to reduce the discomfort and to harmonize the relations.
Key words: ES (ESE), SP (SLI), intertype relationships, revision relations.

Denisova A.A.

Relationship problems of mothers and children with complementary types

Correctly bring up the child without understanding it is almost impossible. Therefore, an important aid in education gives the knowledge of the child's personality type. Different variants of education strategies are considered.
Key words: socionics, education, pedagogy, psychology of relationships, personality type.

Mathematical Methods in Socionics

Minaiev Yu.P., Datsenko I.P., Shepel K.S.

Groups of the central sections of 2n-element set and bipolar traits

The 2n-element sets and collections of their central sections are considered in the article. New method for indication of central sections is proposed. This method allows formalizing the realization of the binary operation and simplifying answering the question about are two central sections orthogonal or not. It is shown that in the case n = 2 there is only one group of central sections; in the case n = 3 there are 30 such groups; and in the case n = 4 there are 64 864 800 such groups. The case of 8-element set (n = 3) is discussed in detail. In this case there are many central sections’ groups, which intersect each other. Authors proposed illustrative examples to help readers understand this effect. The problem of “naming” central sets with the help of bipolar traits is discussed.
Key words: socionics, central sections of set, bipolar traits, group of Augustinavichute–Reinin traits, group of Jung–Minaiev traits.

Informational Structure of Society

Shkavro Z.N.

From the character of civilization to the historical periods for the quadral succession law

On the basis of the law of quadral succession (socionics) it is conducted clarifying of periods of social formations change.
Key words: socionics, society, changing of social formations.


Serebryakov S.A.

Manifestation of “irrationality” trait in the handwriting of sensory-logical introvert

It is disclosed connection of socionics and graphology by the example of one of the methods for determining the “rationality - irrationality” trait in handwriting. For the study texts there were taken three girls 26-28 years old, all were SP (SLI). There are considered in detail all the graphological nuances of their handwriting, correlated the mental state of the girls with socionics, in the key of the “rationality - irrationality” trait .
Key words: rationality, irrationality, graphology, socionics, handwriting analysis, SP (SLI), type of information metabolism.

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Socionics 3/2016

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: socionics, journal, issue, personality psychology