Issue # 6/2015 of “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology…” journal
Karpenko O.B, Bukalov A.V.
DCNH system in socionic consulting
The authors share their experiences in the application of the DCNH system (forms of social behaviors) in practice of Socionic consulting of teams and collectives, conducted by the International Institute of Socionics.
Key words: socionics, forms of social behavior, initial, terminal, ignority, connectivity.
Minaiev Yu.P.
The cause-and-effect relations conception and cosets of intertype relation operators group centre
It is considered the division of classic (by Augustinavichiute) intertype relations group on cosets of group center. Attention is paid to the fact that P.E. Tsypin had the same division based on cause-and-effect relations conception. In this case a group of four asymmetric intertype relations is opposed to the group center. The author discusses problems that appear when an attempt to build a basis of intertype relations classification is made. These problems are concerned with the fact that group of classic intertype relation operators and groups of TIM’s bipolar traits aren’t isomorphic.
Key words: socionics, intertype relations, group of classic intertype relation operators, group centre, cosets, cause-and-effect relations, the group of Augustinavichiute-Reinin traits, the group of Jung– Minaiev’s traits.
Tumolska V.A., Eglit I.M.
Socionic theory of lie
In the article it is analyzed the concept of “flie” with the socionic point of view. On the material of the research it is examined the link between understanding lies, its admissible and the position of functions in the model of TIM.
Key words: lie, socionics, A-model, function parameters, dimension of functions, functions sign, tality, indicators of functions, control emotions, TIM diagnostics.
Eglit I.M.
Using the sign of the function in the practice of TIM diagnostics in the School of System Socionics
The report by I.M. Eglit briefly lists the main points of the theoretical basis of the School of System Socionics. It shows, how the properties, described in the theory of sign, practically detected in the speech. There are listed the indicators of signs of functions that are found during long work on observing the speech utterances of all personality types representatives. The report presents the results of research of functions signs in the mental and vital rings, and also describes the features of work of some functions, associated with the signs.
Key words: socionics, speech, sign of function, A-model, indicators of signs of functions.
Litvinenko I.Yu.
Periodical system of information aspects as the base of the hierarchy of those which human reflects
It is shown that the Periodical system of information aspects could be the base for considering their pool as the hierarchical system. It is supposed that human reflects the reality accordantly to this hierarchy.
Key words: socionics, information aspects, Periodical system of information aspects.
Intertype relationships
Udalova Ye.A., Frolova M.G.
Difficulties of stabilization of the dual relationships caused by social stereotypes
There are considered features of interactions of partners in a dual relationship. It is conducted the analysis of the relations in all eight information aspects.
Key words: socionics, psychology, intertype relationships, dual relations, dualization, duality, informational model of psyche.
Mathematical Methods in Socionics
Banaru A.M.
Automorphisms of classic intertype relations group
Mappings of a set of group elements preserving group structure (automorphisms) are considered for the group of classic intertype relations. All possible automorphisms of this group form themselves the group of order 64. This number equals the number of different ways for the given set of matrices and the set of intertype relations being mapped on each other.
Key words: group, automorphism, intertype relations.
Personality Psychology
Shlaina V.M.
Picture of the world and gaslighting: view of socionist
Knowledge of bases of socionics and understanding yourself and others can withstand the psychological manipulation (gaslighting) and promote psychological stability of personality, self-confidence and confidence in his own world view.
Key words: socionics, psychological manipulation, picture of the world, psychological stability.
Socionics 6/2015
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Соционика…»
- Price in reward points: 30
Tags: socionics, journal, issue, personality psychology