Issue # 5/2015 of “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology…” journal
Minaiev Yu.P., Datsenko I.P., Shevchenko E.G.
Theoretical and practical consequences of the two approaches to socion construction and to intertype relations review
The article considers two approaches to the construction of a 16-element set of TIMs called Socion. Trait approach, based on a certain basis of bipolar traits, leads naturally to the intertype relations theory determined by spectrum of matches the poles of bipolar traits. Model approach, based on the Model A and principle of information exchange between identical elements, results in a non-commutative group of intertype relation operators. Proper subgroups of this group set Socion divisions into equal parts with the same set of classic (acc. to Augustinavichiute) IR for each TIM with its “neighbors”. Getting the same divisions with bipolar traits requires the use of two groups of traits (Augustinavichiute-Reinin and Jung-Minaiev). This theoretical result provides a criterion for choosing these two groups for a more thorough experimental study.
Key words: socionics, typology, socion, Model A, groups of central sections of Socion, Augustinavichiute-Reinin traits, Jung-Minaiev traits, classic (acc. to Augustinavichiute) intertype relations, a group of intertype relation operators, “right” and “good” divisions of Socion, group center, contiguous classes.
Eglit I.M.
Methods of work with one-dimensional functions
Ther are described the methods of work with negative control emotions of one-dimensional functions, which have been developed in the course of practical work of SCC experts.
Key words: socionics, IM function, one-dimensional function, painful reactions.
Shkavro Z.N.
Aspects and function of information metabolism used in A-model
It is conducted the analysis of semantics of aspects, used in socionics, and proposed clarification and justification of referring them to one or another symbolic notation introduced by A.Augustinavichiute.
Key words: socionics, aspects semantics, mental function, logic, intuition, sensation, ethics.
Intertype relationships
Udalova Ye.A., Frolova M.G.
Difficulties of stabilization of the dual relationships caused by social stereotypes
There are considered features of interactions of partners in a dual relationship. It is conducted the analysis of the relations in all eight information aspects.
Key words: socionics, psychology, intertype relationships, dual relations, dualization, duality, informational model of psyche.
Integral Socionics
Tumolska V.A.
Using the tools of linguistic analysis in determining the integral TIMs. Part 3.
In the third part of the series devoted to the use of linguistic analysis in the identification of ITIM it is explored the concept of “Ordnung” (“order”) in the German language from a position of linguistic and socionic analysis.
Key words: socionics, Model A, the order, Ordnung, structural logic, integral type of information metabolism, language, linguistics, concept.
Socionics and Phylosophy
Litvinenko I.Yu.
“Event” and “Registrant” terms in the system of philosophy categories
The “Event” and “Registrant” terms are considered. They were early proposed for the “Information” determining and for the information aspects introduction. It is proposed to give them the status of the philosophy categories. It is shown their comparison with the “Actor” and “Object” categories.
Key words: philosophy, philosophy categories, socionics, information, socionics, subject of socionics.
Mathematical Methods in Socionics
Banaru A.M.
From the structural formula of socion to deactualization of asymmetric intertype relations
Total number of minimal generator set for the group of classical intertype relations was calculated. Numbers of sets that contain comfortable and uncomfortable relations were analyzed. It was shown that in most cases minimal set contains asymmetric relations.
Key words: group, subgroup, group generator, Cayley graph, intertype relations.
Speaking for Oneself
Dotsenko O.A.
Analysis of my TIM according to Reinin traits, socionic tetratomies and A-model
Using the information model of psyche (Model A) it is given a detailed self-description of type sensory-logical introvert.
Key words: socionics, personality type, dimension of mental functions, functions of informational metabolism.
Corrections and additions
Litvinenko I.Yu.
Matrix of aspects
Addition to the article “Aspectonics: what it should be”
Key words: socionics, information aspects, aspectonics.
Socionics 5/2015
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Соционика…»
- Price in reward points: 30
Tags: socionics, journal, issue, personality psychology