• Socionics  3/2013

Issue # 3/2013 of “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology…” journal


Bukalov A.V., Karpenko O.B.

Socionics as an academic scientific discipline

The widespread of socionics as a scientific direction is confirmed by that over the last 15 years socionic ideas and methods are used in more then 800 dissertations on all sections of the humanities and in a number of technical sciences. The analysis of these of dissertational works on branches and topic is carried out. There are analyzed the academic publications on Socionics. Now socionics is taught in over 150 universities in Russia, Ukraine and countries of European Union.
Key words: socionics, psychology, management, sociology, humanities, technical sciences, pedagogy, economics, philosophy.

Frolova M.G.

Intuits’ intuition of time

The features of the four-dimensional (located on the 1st and the 8th position in the A model) and three-dimensional (located on the 2nd and the 7th position in the A model) functions on an aspect of "intuition of time" are considered. The features of the perception of the world and acting on this aspect are described. The problems of development of these functions are discussed.
Key words: socionics, intuition of time, dimension of psyche function, information model of psyche.

Beletskaya I.E.

How to bypass restrictions of psychological type (in the TIM diagnostic process)

The causes of the complexities involved in the diagnosis of the socionic type, directly dependent on type features of experts are analyzed. The specific recommendations for their removal at different stages of the diagnostic process are made.
Key words: traits of type, type diagnostic, diagnostic- stages of type, diagnostic process, statics, dynamics, process, result, positivism, negativism.

Medvedeva I.A.

Verbal self-presentation by means of the type of information metabolism. Socionics particular tactics of self-presentation

The article describes the verbal tactics of self-presentation senserno-ethical introvert. The author describes some of the verbal formulas of self-presentation and makes recommendations on their use.
Key words: verbal self-presentation, socionics, model A, ego, superego, superid, id, features, aspects.

Mathematical Methods in Socionics

Shcheglov V.N.

Socionics and psychonetics: the interpretation of the basic concepts of using the algorithm for constructing AMKL

It is proposed a formalization of the basic concepts of socionics with algebraic models of intuitionistic logic.
Key words: information, intuitionism, mental structure, social structure, socionics, personality types.


Tangemann O.B.

Sociological survey “The names of the functions and types”

Earlier this was carried out a sociological internet-survey on the topic “The names of the functions and types”. Sixty socionists took part in this survey. Among the respondents, representatives of different groups of socionics’ community: the leaders of socionics’ educational centers, more or less well-known authors and students. The survey was conducted for more than two months by the administration of Londnon Socionics Society on Facebook. The questionnaire was sent to socionists mainly by email or instant chat and partly administered through direct communication with socionics face to face. The purpose of this survey is to explore the preferences of different socionics groups regarding the use of names for functions and types in Russian and English. Analysis of the survey revealed the almost unanimous desire to develop common standards of socionical nomenclature; rather complex approach to the use of different notations; a wide popularity of socionical alias and difference of opinion regarding the choice of notation for the translation into English.
Key words: survey, socionics, name, abbreviation, function, psychotype, the notation.

Practice of typing

Meged' V.V.

Characteristics of 16 types and 32 subtypes

There are descriptions of personality types, in 2 subtypes of each.
Key words: socionics, type, characteristic, terminal subtype, initial subtype.

Speaking for Oneself

Strelka D.A.

Oh, God, I am “Don Quixote”, and I thank you for this!

It is the description of the author's experience as a result of which he received a "real" knowledge what contributes to the creation of strong, comfortable, trusting and bringing joy relationships.
Key words: socionics, informational metabolism type, intuition capabilities, structural logic, ethics, relationships, painful function, the creative function, the basic function.

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Socionics 3/2013

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: socionics, journal, issue, personality psychology

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