Issue # 2/2013 of “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology…” journal
Bukalov A.V., Karpenko O.B.
Socionics as an academic scientific discipline
The widespread of socionics as a scientific direction is confirmed by that over the last 15 years socionic ideas and methods are used in more then 800 dissertations on all sections of the humanities and in a number of technical sciences. The analysis of these of dissertational works on branches and topic is carried out. There are analyzed the academic publications on Socionics. Now socionics is taught in over 150 universities in Russia, Ukraine and countries of European Union.
Key words: socionics, psychology, management, sociology, humanities, technical sciences, pedagogy, economics, philosophy.
Eglit I.M.
Distortions of TIM
The phenomenon of distortion of type of information metabolism (TIM) is described. The concept of TIM realization is given. Manifestations of distortions are shown in the process of diagnosis. The observations confirm the correlation of TIM distortion with the features of filling of the A-model blocks. The recommendations for the definition of TIM with a distorted filling of model are given.
Key words: socionics, type of information metabolism (TIM), A-model, block, distortion, diagnostics, age development.
Frolova M.G.
Intuition of time — history and present
The different sides of the semantics of the information aspect «intuition of time» are considered. The facts concerning the synchronicity are mentioned. The perception of time processes on various aspects of an information stream is described.
Key words: socionics, information aspect, intuition of time, synchronicity, psychology, C.G.Jung, W.Pauli.
Zaikin A.I., Kameneva S. K.
The use of socionic categories in the body-oriented therapy
The article was an attempt of the socionic personality analysis for the characteristics of the movements of the participants on the body-oriented therapy. The authors set for themselves the goal to identify the relationship between the movements in the group and the definite socionic personality traits – Jung’s basis and Reinin traits; as well as just noted as type of information metabolism (TIM) features in appearance and behavior.
Key words: body-oriented therapy, type of information metabolism, Jung’s basis, Reinin traits, small groups.
Intertype relationships
Kuzmina L.A.
Features of business relations between the SLI and ILI in a family
On the example of a pair of intuitive-logical introvert (TP) and sensory-logical introvert (SP) it is told about application of socionics in family relations.
Key words: socionics, type of information metabolism, intertype relationships, A-model, business relations, sensory-logical introvert, intuitive-logical introvert.
Mathematical Methods in Socionics
Dubrov Ya.A.
Ackoff-Emery typology and its generalization
The generalized model of Ackoff-Emery typology is proposed.
Key words: objectivert, subjectivert, externalist, internalists.
Litvinenko I.Yu.
The role of psychologism in socionics
The question on a correlation between socionics and psychology is considered, in particular - as it is seen from the psychological point of view. It is shown how psychological theoretical and methodological principles lead to distortions of socionical knowledge. The conclusion is that the psychologism in socionics looks like as the claim of certain system to include a system of greater level.
Key words: socionics, psychology, methodology.
Ant V.N.
Notation and names of sociotypes
A comparative consideration of the benefits and drawbacks of the two systems of names of socionical types of - social role and literary history - shows necessity of the primary use of the first system, especially in scientific publications and advisory practice.
Key words: socionics, personality type, pseudonym, terminology.
Practice of typing
Meged' V.V.
Characteristics of 16 types and 32 subtypes
There are descriptions of personality types, in 2 subtypes of each.
Key words: socionics, type, characteristic, terminal subtype, initial subtype.
Speaking for Oneself
Yakshin S.K.
The expediency of Socionics by “Gabin”
From the point of view of sensory-logical introvert (SLI, “Gabin”) it is considered the expediency of socionics. Socionics is important both in interpersonal and in family communication, as by the knowledge model A significantly reduced the probability of conflicts and improving the quality of communication. In addition, the dichotomy sensing-intuition allows to concern own health more attentively.
Key words: socionics, TIM, A-model, sensory-logical introvert, functions, painful point.
Malov O.L.
On the natural destination of duality
It is described the method for monitoring the correlation of types of mentality of Mother and Child by identifying of their types of mentality on the scale from 32 types of mentality offered by the author. It is concluded that duality with Mother is a natural factor, providing to the Child formation of his psyche. Observations of the author of consequences of duality of Mother and the Child are resulted.
Key words: Mother, Child, duality, 32 types of mentality.
Socionics 2/2013
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Соционика…»
- Price in reward points: 30
Tags: socionics, journal, issue, personality psychology