• Socionics  1/2012

Issue # 1/2012 of “Socionics, mentology and personality psychology…” journal

Lectures on Integral Socionics

Bukalov A.V.

Modeling the social and historical processes

The questions of the description, the analysis and modelling of historical and sociopolitical processes are discussed on the examples of Russia, the USA, Iraq, Turkey, Israel, Palestin, India, Pakistan, the USSR, Ukraine, Yugoslavia and other countries.
Key words: socionics, ethnopsychology, the state, sociology, history, ethnos, social processes.


Prokofieva T.N., Prokofiev V.G., Isaev Yu.V.

Diagonal imperatives

The technics of application of “diagonal imperatives”, the unique section of socionics, is described. This technics allows to lower discomfort of a situational psychological condition or to give a new view on a solved problem by means of purposeful switching of attention. Discussion of work of this simple and very useful tool at a scientific seminar in Scientific research institute of socionics has allowed to fill up on the text with additional examples.
Key words: socionics, A model, diagonal imperatives, semantics of aspects, functions.

Eglit I.M., Tumolska V.A.

Research of control transfers in A model (on TIM diagnostics reports)

It is experimentally investigated consecutive triggering of functions in information model of psyche (in A-model) in the course of information processing as a control transfer. It is shown that transfers are carried out basically from of smalldimensional (69,2%) into multidimensional functions (86,8%). The majority of transfers from soared in ментал almost in 4 times more than from ментала in soared. The great bulk of transfers occurs in the Ego-block (about 70%). While from the Ego-block the transfers are individual (3,6 %), basically it is the communication with Id-block. The results of research confirm the legitimacy of use of the theory of management for A-model interpretation.
Key words: socionics, psychology, type of information metabolism (TIM), information model of psyche, function of information metabolism, psychical function.


Yermak V.D.

On the basis of identification. Control and Communication in the TIM model

The concept of information model of psyche is analysed. It is shown that it is necessary to consider in model of psyche two types of information: the information of management transfer and the real information about interaction of psyche with the world. Such approach creates the reliable methodological bases for identification of type of information metabolism.
Key words: socionics, psychology, typology, information model of psyche, psychical function, consciousness function, A-model.

Problems of Education

Neboryakina V.

Methodological basis of studies of the construct “style of learning activity”

It is shown that in methodology of the uniform humanities about personality, as well as the methodology of anthropology, socionics claims the the status of general science, as has a set of necessary categories and the required tools.
Key words: socionics, philosophy, anthropology, personality, science, knowledge, information metabolism.

Informational Structure of Society

Osipov A.V., Kameneva S.K.

Integral type of Cuba

Socionical analyze is presented in the article of data from both open literature sources and own observations about Cuba. On the base of this analyze the conclusion is made about integral type of informational metabolism of the country.
Key words: integral type, aspect of information, function of informational metabolism, Reinin's features, small groups.

Intertype relationships

Zobova M.A.

Is supervision so terrible, as they say?

The features of supervision relations on an example of observations over long interactions of representatives of types the ethical-sensing introvert (RF, ESI) and the sensing logical extrovert (FL, SLE) are considered.
Key words: socionics, psychology, relations, intertype relationships, personality type, supervision relations, supervisor, supervisee, ethical-sensing introvert, sensing logical extrovert.

Language and Semantics

Schneider L.I.

Passionate and heartfelt communication styles in European languages

A serious problem of communications lies in the translation of senses from one language on another, each of which has a lot of semantic and grammatical features. The article shows how to identify and preserve socionic communication style of the author when translated into another language makes it more accurate transmission of both emotional and substantive components of the product. The results of observations point to the opening capacity to hear the true depth and content of a foreign language
Key words: socionics, type of information metabolism, foreign languages, application, communication style, direct and literary translations.

Speaking for Oneself

Tolsteneva O.A.

Introspection: a painful experiential sensing at the ethical intuitive extrovert type

There are in detail described the semantics and displays of the fourth function of type the ethical intuitive extrovert (ET, EIE), emotions and actions of the person of this type for this one-dimensional function
Key words: socionics, function of information metabolism, painful function, ethical-intuitive extrovert, experiential sensing.

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Socionics 1/2012

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: socionics, journal, issue, personality psychology

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