Within the bounds of the research work performed in Dobrye Lyudi (Good People) Social Adaptation Center symbols and images of the Basic Perinatal Matrices first described by S.Grof (restored recollection of the child’s own birth experience) have been discovered in course of detecting informational metabolism types in folk tales. From here a hypothesis of correlation between the so called basic perinatal matrices (BPM) and informational metabolism types (IMTs) has arisen. The author’s methodology of Unzipping Psycho-Energetic Memory (UPEM) allowed starting research in this field. The methodology allows recollecting one’s own experience of birth in either direct or symbolic sensations, which in turn allows determining at which BPM the patient is fixed. Knowing his informational metabolism type, it is easy to make correlation between the BPM and the quadra. Preliminary results of the research confirm the correlation between the informational metabolism type and the BPM.
Lomonosova Ye. “The Influence of the Process of Human Birth (S.Grof’s Basic Perinatal Matrices) On Informational Metabolism Type”
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