• Psychology & Socionics  9-10/2016

Issue # 9-10/2016 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal

Socionics and Phylosophy

Litvinenko I.Yu.

Philosophy and socionics methodology

The materials of the lecture at Philosophy club session. It is presented as a brief report.
Key words: socionics, information aspects, philosophy, world-vision, methodology, cognition.

Socionics Methods

Gulenko V.V.

Socionic subtypes

Subtypes of the person are allocated and described: dominant, creative, normalized and harmonising. The understanding of subtypes gives the chance to describe more differentialy displays of types of the person and their specificity intertype relationships. Application of the theory of subtypes is described on an example of the analysis of a school class.
Key words: socionics, psychology, personality type, subtype, intertype distinctions, school training.

Tsypin P.Ye.

Socionic description of economic and social processes

Analogs between processes, events and situations, on the one hand, and the 16 informational metabolism types, on the other, are proposed. The discovered correlations allow describing various aspects of social and economic life, such as business, production, science, law, military and political affairs etc.
Key words: socionics, socionic analogs, informational metabolism type, causal relationship.

Mathematical Methods in Socionics

Minaiev Yu.P., Datsenko I.P., Kushch O.V., Shevchenko E.G.

Representation of classic intertype relation's operators by substitutions based on A-model

This article is the second in a series devoted to organization of student studies, where they will learn mathematical apparatus of socionics. The problems, considered this time, are connected with the recognition of A-model structure and its role in classic intertype relations’ description.
Key words: socionics, types of information metabolism, A-model, intertype relations, operators, substitutions.

Socionics in Nursery

Ovcharov A.A.

Color preferences and psychological profile of a child

A combination of several colors mostly selected by child, leading to conclusions about his personality type, or to relate him to a group of type (quartet) with similar functionality enhanced quality.
Key words: socionics, character, color preferences.

Yermak V.D.

Stages of formation and development of psyche in the socionic model

Based on the Model A, a hypothesis of total life cycle of development of psyche is considered — starting from appearance of the structure of psyche up to completion of its filling with real information. A complete model and a system mechanism of functioning of psyche in process of its development and filling with information are proposed. Again, modeling confirms the importance of creation of informational environment adequate to specific informational metabolism type of psyche at each stage of development of psyche. Its results can serve as basis to new expert consulting, pedagogical, personnel and other methodologies.
Key words: psyche, modeling, model structure, stages of development, informational filling, distortion of psychological type, predetermination of psychological type.

Intertype relationships

Zakharov Z.S.

Conflict relations in a pair LSE-IEI as a specific example

The aim of the paper is a detailed and a deep description of the information exchange process in the interaction of conflicting pairs of young people with the types of information metabolism LSE (a young woman) and IEI (a young man), and also comparison what is happening in practice with what is written in the theory in order to confirm or refute any theoretical propositions. The article will be useful for both beginner and experienced socionists so that they can familiarize themselves with conflict relations of the exactly typed pair and get rid of errors that often arise from the fact that TIM was incorrectly defined (in this case the description of intertype relations will initially be incorrect ), as well as by unnecessary theorizing in intertype relations descriptions are far from reality because of the lack of practical observations.
Key words: socionics, intertype relationships, conflict, LSE, IEI, TIM.

Socionic Portraits

Popova E.P.

Socionic type of Anna Akhmatova

The article is devoted to debunking of the myth of belonging Anna Akhmatova to the EIE (ET) type, as well as to justification of new type version.
Key words: socionics, typing, type of information metabolism.

Psychotherapeutical Issues

Ayurzanayev O.I., Gomboin E.M.

Development problems of the systemic constellations method in Russia

The stages of development of the systemic constellations methodand features of its distribution in Russia are considered.
Key words: psychology, psychotherapy, systemic constellations.

Informational Structure of Society

Peleshko V.A.

Totalitarian sects and groups in terms of socionics

Traits of a totalitarian leader are analyzed from the socionic viewpoint. The article considers the phenomenon of psychological zombying.
Key words: totalitarian sects, socionics, zombying, psychological rehabilitation.

Speaking for Oneself

Pedan T.P.

Dynamics of psyche on the A-model in duality

It is analysis of the influence on the harmony of the dual relationship of partners manifestations on separate blocks of A-model on a personal author's example.
Key words: socionics, mental structure, psychic features, A-model, blocks of A-model, extrovert, introvert, duality, relationships, harmony, freedom, development, personal growth.

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Psychology & Socionics 9-10/2016

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: psychology, journal, issue, relations

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