• Psychology & Socionics  2/2013

Issue # 2/2013 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal


Mironov V.V.

Method of system arrangements

The method of the system arrangements of information aspects of human psyche is described. Its diagnostic and therapeutic properties are considered.
Key words: socionics, psychology, information model of psyche, information aspect.

Personality Psychology

Berezhnaya N.V.

Socionics and personal growth trainings

In the form of a report the article describes results of socionics-based personal growth trainings. Several conclusions and hypotheses on practical application of socionics for solution of various psychological tasks and further plans of development of applied socionics are also presented.
Key words: training, socionics, psychology, personality type, personal growth.


Litvinenko I.Yu.

Traits as categories

It is proposed to grant philosophical status to the basic Jungian traits and the binary criteria of the informational flow aspects, considering them as philosophical categories making basis of the common scientific methodology and directing the cognition.
Key words: socionics, philosophy, personality type, traits, categories, Jungian basis, informational flow aspects.

Psychotherapeutical Issues

Ivanov D.A., Lishenko O.Z.

Suicidal risk among persons of call-up age

The article discusses the possibility of detecting young people’s aptitude to suicide using both character accentuations and the theory of informational metabolism (socionics) and socionic personality types. A concept of pre-suicidal syndrome is introduced, whose detection can allow determining individual’s aptitude towards suicide.
Key words: suicide, psychical infantilism, psychopathology, accentuation of character, socionics, psychological type.

Practical Socionics

Meged’ V.V.

Type accentuation: behavior and visual diagnostics

The article describes 8 biological accentuations and 4 psychological accentuations of personality types proposed by the author. The biological accentuations of the type represent projections of information elements of world perception by personality types onto their bio-psychical level, and psychological accentuations represent projection of psychological criteria, such as rationality/irrationality, extraversion/introversion, onto the psychophysical level of the type. The article contains descriptions of all the type accentuations.
Key words: socionics, psychology, personality type, temperament, psychical norm, intertype relationships, thinking style.

Socionic Portraits

Dospekhov S.V.

The artist in the mirror of socionics: Mstislav Dobuzhinsky

Application of the method of the content-analysis gives the possibility to define type of an information metabolism of the Russian artist Mstislav Dobuzhinsky as the logical-sensory extrovert (LSE).
Key words: socionics, psychology, type of information metabolism (TIM), psychical functions, Jung’s criteria, Reinin’s criteria, content-analysis, art creativity.

In the End of the Issue

Beletsky S.A.

Fairy Tale about Socionics, or Socionics in Foxes

The fairy tale, in which process of discovery of own socionic type is shown, is presented. The attentive reader can recognise in heroes of a fairy tale — socionic types, and in prominent features of heroes — displays of work of functions in model A and dichotomic criteria. Also in a fairy tale intertype relationships and others socionic rules are reflected. In the end the author conducts socionic analysis of this fairy tale.
Key words: socionics, psychology, personality type, intertype relationships, personality development, self-knowledge.



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Psychology & Socionics 2/2013

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: psychology, journal, issue, relations

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