• Psychology & Socionics  1/2013

Issue # 1/2013 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal


Elfimova M.M., Melnikova D.V.

Mythological component of teacher self-image

Declared ideals and pedagogical theories, no matter how high quality they are, inevitably faced with self-awareness of educator, who brings in them his own interpretive sense, adjusts them under system of values and beliefs about himself, so as not to disrupt the previously constructed interaction strategies with the World. A teacher, directly organizing the learning process, creates a number of conditions of specific manifestation of himself. They affect the efficiency of the interactions in the dyad “teacher–student”. The article deals with the structural and content features of the “mythological self-image” of teachers defining their specific style of interpersonal interaction in the “teacher–student” system. The study revealed substantial variation in the characteristics of “mythological self-image” of teachers who are making adjustments to the implementation of the model of interpersonal interaction (style) with the student, as well as how the “mythological self-image” and its structural and content features influence the style of interaction between teacher and students.
Key words: myth, mythological self-image, archetype, style of interpersonal interaction.

Eljashevich A.M.

Typology and psychology

Recognizing wide prevalence of the socionic typology and its successful practical application, the author carries out the comparative analysis between essential provisions of C.G.Jung’s theory of psychological types and the modern approach of the socionic methods. A hypothesis is proposed on impossibility of identification of a "pure" informational metabolism type. Taking into account two ways of development (self-realization and adaptation), the strong and the weak functions of the person, the author examines a way of successful personal self-actualization.
Key words: socionic typology, the theory of psychological types, information metabolism type, intertype relationships, criterion of distinctions, psychical functions, self-knowledge, self-development.

Ethnic Mentality

Ovcharov A. A.

“Male” and “female” in the national psychology

Determinants of masculinity and femininity in different occidental and oriental nations are described. Nations are distributed into predominantly masculine or predominantly feminine cultures, gender and social roles in them are considered.
Key words: gender roles, masculinity, femininity, society, group moral, behavior stereotypes, ethnic mentality.


Stukas V.A., Untilova E.A.

Jung typology and the complementarity principle

In article the principle of complimentarity by N.Bohr from the point of view of its universality and with reference to Jung psychological typology is considered. It is claimed and shown the correspondence of physiological Т-model in socionics to a principle of the probability organisation of "environment-mentality" system.
Key words: probability forecasting, perceiving functions, introversion, information metabolism in human psyche, quantum jump, macrophenomena, microobject, A-model and Т-model in socionics, advancing reflexion, the principle of complimentarity, psychical functions, p.

Socionic Portraits

Dospekhov S.V.

The artist in the mirror of socionics: Mstislav Dobuzhinsky

Application of the method of the content-analysis gives the possibility to define type of an information metabolism of the Russian artist Mstislav Dobuzhinsky as the logical-sensory extrovert (LSE).
Key words: socionics, psychology, type of information metabolism (TIM), psychical functions, Jung’s criteria, Reinin’s criteria, content-analysis, art creativity.


Aushra Augustinavichute

Why to read C.G.Jung is so difficult?

Features of thinking of C.G.Jung who has created typology of the person, as logic-intuitive introvert are described.
Key words: C.G.Jung's typology, types of the person, socionics, psychology.

In the End of the Issue

Beletsky S.A.

Fairy tale about socionics, or socionics in foxes

The fairy tale, in which process of discovery of own socionic type is shown, is presented. The attentive reader can recognise in heroes of a fairy tale — socionic types, and in prominent features of heroes — displays of work of functions in model A and dichotomic criteria. Also in a fairy tale intertype relationships and others socionic rules are reflected. In the end the author conducts socionic analysis of this fairy tale.
Key words: socionics, psychology, personality type, intertype relationships, personality development, self-knowledge.



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Psychology & Socionics 1/2013

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: psychology, journal, issue, relations

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