• Psychology & Socionics  3/2012

Issue # 3/2012 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal

Psychotherapeutical Issues

Pogodin I.A.

Models of Interpretation of Phenomenon “Fisherman” in Psychotherapy

The article is devoted to the widespread phenomenon "fisherman" in psychotherapy. The concept of transfer as a determination of such phenomenon is analyzed by the author. Advantages and disadvantages of this concept are described. The alternative view to the problem of "personal similarity" of therapist and client is offered.
Key words: dialogue-phenomenological psychotherapy, phenomenon “fisherman”, transfer, countertransference, transfer characteristics, phenomenological field.

Problems of Education

Berezovchuk A.V., Starshov M.A., Shantroha A.V.

Problem-Based Teaching

Peculiarities of teaching and style of lectures of various noted scientists are considered.
Key words: pedagogics, psychology, science, education, lectures, lecturers, students.

Socionic Portraits

Dospekhov S.V.

The Artist in the Mirror of Socionics: Alexandre Benois

With attraction of an extensive literary material the analysis of informational metabolism type of artist A.Benois is lead. It is shown, that he belonged to the type intuitive-ethical extrovert. The analysis was spent to dichotomizing Reinin’s criteria and model A.
Key words: socionics, psychology, the analysis of personality type, Alexandre Benois, art creativity, psychical functions, informational flow aspects, model A, Jung’s criteria, Reinin’s criteria.

Mathematical Methods in Socionics

Dubrov Ya.A.

Coding of Two-Element Model of Type and Intertype Relationships

After the short review of works on mathematical modeling and coding of types and intertype relationships the model of coding of types by binary hexades and intertype relationships by ternary hexades is offered. The algebra of Augustinavichute is transformed to the binary-ternary status that is illustrated by the binary-ternary table of ternary intertype relationships for binary two-element model of type acc. to Ljashkjavichus-Augustinavichute.
Key words: hexade, binary types, ternary intertype relationships, algebra of Augustinavichute, operation on types and on intertype relationships.

Problems of Socionic Education

Malov O.L.

Socionic Regularities: Graphic Representation

The way of representation of the information, concerning to 16 TIMs, in the form of the compact tables named graphic matrixes is offered, and the considerable quantity of examples of similar matrixes for practical use is resulted.
Key words: socionics, type of informational metabolism (TIM), Reinin’s criteria, intertype relationships, stimulus groups, communications channels, types of thought, solicitude, infantilism, aggressiveness, victimness, model A.

In the End of the Issue

Beletsky S.A.

Fairy Tale about Socionics, or Socionics in Foxes

The fairy tale, in which process of discovery of own socionic type is shown, is presented. The attentive reader can recognise in heroes of a fairy tale — socionic types, and in prominent features of heroes — displays of work of functions in model A and dichotomic criteria. Also in a fairy tale intertype relationships and others socionic rules are reflected. In the end the author conducts socionic analysis of this fairy tale.
Key words: socionics, psychology, personality type, intertype relationships, personality development, self-knowledge.



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Psychology & Socionics 3/2012

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: psychology, journal, issue, relations