• Psychology & Socionics  1/2012

Issue # 1/2012 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal

Problems of Education

Berezovchuk A.V., Shantroha A.V.

«Tom Sawyer» as Encyclopedia of Child Psychology

In article some problems of work with difficult teenagers are mentioned. It is involved both experience of outstanding teachers, and fine psychological sketches of the well-known American writer, that can be useful for teachers and tutors.
Key words: psychology, pedagogics, teenager, difficult children, upbringing, pedagogical influence, psychology of the child, Mark Twain.

Socionic Methods

Stukas V.A.

Socionic Model Т and Psychology

In article the new approach to information aspects in a foreshortening of psychophysiological model Т is planned. The definition of Jung’s mental function from a position of model Т is given. The parallels between model Т, on the one hand, Z.Freud’s dynamic psychology and the concept of motivational hierarchy by A.Maslow, with another, are drawn.
Key words: psychophysiological model Т, Jung mental function, thresholds (options) of filters of mental functions, suggesting, cultural-historical, information aspects, type of information metabolism, extraversion, introversion, the information metabolism, braking-a.

Tikhonov A.P., Lapina I.V.

On Grades of Detailed Elaboration of Socionic Analysis

Three grades of detailed analysis of TIM and intertype relations are given; principal theoretic socionic conclusions by different researchers successfully used in practice (depending from a real situation), and sample inter-relations between them are suggested. A hypothesis of TIM's external or internal conflict is presented.
Key words: socionics, A model, TIM, intertype relations, socionics of symbols, conflict.

Socionic Portraits

Dospekhov S.V.

The Artist in the Mirror of Socionics: Alexandre Benois

With attraction of an extensive literary material the analysis of informational metabolism type of artist A.Benois is lead. It is shown, that he belonged to the type intuitive-ethical extrovert. The analysis was spent to dichotomizing Reinin’s criteria and model A.
Key words: socionics, psychology, the analysis of personality type, Alexandre Benois, art creativity, psychical functions, informational flow aspects, model A, Jung’s criteria, Reinin’s criteria.

Physics of Consciousness

Bukalov A.V.

Quantum Structures of Person, Transpersonal Psychology and Synchronics

It is given the explanation of experimental data by S.Grof in area of transpersonal psychology on the basis of theory of quantum bodies of person, consisting of superfluid condensates or easy elementary particles (levions). Synchronics as the theory of the synchronism phenomena is considered.
Key words: quantum body, psyche, levionі, transpersonal psychology, superfluid condensate, Synchronics, synchronism phenomena.

In the End of the Issue

Litvinenko I.Yu.

Knots, Whirls, Labyrinths…

Knots, Whirls, Labyrinths…
Key words: poetry.

Beletsky S.A.

Fairy Tale about Socionics, or Socionics in Foxes

The fairy tale, in which process of discovery of own socionic type is shown, is presented. The attentive reader can recognise in heroes of a fairy tale — socionic types, and in prominent features of heroes — displays of work of functions in model A and dichotomic criteria. Also in a fairy tale intertype relationships and others socionic rules are reflected. In the end the author conducts socionic analysis of this fairy tale.
Key words: socionics, psychology, personality type, intertype relationships, personality development, self-knowledge.



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Psychology & Socionics 1/2012

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: psychology, journal, issue, relations

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