Issue # 3-4/2021 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal
Krivo N.E., Krivo Yu.A.
Instability of physiological and psycho-informational parameters under stress: research and recovery using the methods of socionics, systemic psycho-physiology, cognitive science
Changes in the mental and physiological properties of men in an anxiety state: post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) were observed. It has an individually normal (orthological) psycho-informational characteristic:_x000D_ − intuitive-logical extravert (ILE, ) — model type A. Augistinavichute (model A) other names: Don Quixote, Seeker, Inventor;_x000D_ − a subtype I– You– They– This– according to the settings of Berne-Bukalov I± You± They± This±;_x000D_ − creative — a subtype of the Gulenko-Bukalov DCNH system;_x000D_ − statics — on the basis of Augustinavichiute-Reinin._x000D_ Observed for a relatively long time (several months) was in a non-orthologous state in terms of characteristics: This+, normalizing, dynamic._x000D_ To determine the psycho-physiological properties, type and subtype in the integrated model A, the author's physiological method by Y. Krivo and the aspect-dichotomous method by A. Bukalov-O. Karpenko were used._x000D_ Thanks to the integration of subtypes and the functional system of P.K. Anokhin into model A and into model A.V. Bukalov (model B), it turned out to be possible: a) to see the relationship of mental and physiological changes in human activity under stress (in an anxious state associated with PTSD), different from its normal — orthologous state, b) to observe changes in the activity of the functions of neural networks, and the corresponding functions models A and B, c) to determine the possibilities in the diagnosis of stress changes in activity in self-senses, observations, physiological tests, d) to determine the possibilities in restoring the correct orthologous human activity by physical exercises, types of activity.
Key words: post-traumatic stress disorder, stress personality changes, anxiety disorder, individual norm, orthologic, psycho-informational metabolism, differential psychology, differential psycho-physiology, intuitive-logical introvert, Don Quixote.
Personality Psychology
Litvinenko I.Yu., Shapovalova L.A., Pereverza R.V.
Self-relation: phenomena end concept (theoretic-methodological research)
Self-relation as the psychological concept is watched. For this purpose it has been using the “system components of activity” (SCA) and the aspect-structuring procedure. It is proposed the “Self-awareness model” as the Self-conception structure and also as the “Methodological tetrahedron”.
Key words: socionics, methodology, information aspects, self-awareness, self-relation, self-conception.
Problems of Socionic Education
Zvonareva N.A., Kovalenko R.K.
Psychological problems in the study of socionics
This article is the result of the practical work of the psychological and pedagogical program to help working youth on the development of individual potential. The most significant problems were identified when acquaintance of a person on the Internet with information about personality typologies, namely, its influence on a person’s social identification and choice of a partner. A number of manifestations of the influence of the study of socionics at various stages of the process of formation of social identity are considered. A set of methods is proposed that allows you to cope with the consequences of a careless study of personality typologies or to prevent such phenomena.
Key words: socionics; social categorization; social identification; social identity; imago; TIM; teenager's problems; youthful age; individuation.
Mathematical Methods in Socionics
Minaiev Yu.P.
The center of the group of intertype relationship operators and traits of information metabolism types
This article is the twenty-sixth in a series of publications devoted to the didactics of mathematical methods of socionics. This time, a new way of obtaining two groups of bipolar traits of socionic types will be presented. This method is based on the preliminary division of socion into four parts using the center of a group of operators of intertype relationships. Each quarter of the socion obtained in this division can be represented as two pairs of socionic types in three ways (using pairs of extinguishment, dual pairs and superego pairs). It turns out that so-cion is easier to consider as an 8 element set of corresponding pairs of types than as a 16 element set of separate types. This consideration allows you to get all the dichotomies of the socion corresponding to the elements of two 16 element groups of bipolar traits with a common 8 element subgroup.
Key words: socionics, socionic types, classical intertype relations, Model “A”, group of operators, center of the group, bipolar traits, Augustinavichute – Reynin traits, Jung – Minaiev traits.
Socionic portraits
Shkavro Z.N.
TIM ethical-intuitive introvert by examples
On the examples of the writer F.M. Dostoevsky and actor Vitaly Solomin reveal the features of the socionic type of ethical-intuitive introvert. Using the informational model of the psyche (A-model), the work of mental functions of this type is described and analyzed.
Key words: socionics, A-model, functions of informational metabolism, ethics of relations, intuition of potentialities, introversion, rationality.
Intertype relationships
Tarasyuk A.A.
Business intertype relationships in the family
The approaches to the construction of intrafamily relations, improving their quality by taking into account the types of informational metabolism of the participants are considered. The possibilities of effective interaction in intertype "business" relations in the family between ILE (IL) and SLE (FL), mutually beneficial cooperation and bright pain points are described.
Key words: socionics, A-model, intuition of possibilities, volitional sensing, structural logic, ethics of relations, sensation of sensations, ethics of emotions, intuition of time, logic of actions, relations, function, resonance, basic, creative, painful, role, suggestive, referential, restrictive, realizing , strength-weakness of functions, inert, contact, laboratory, value, acceptance, productive.
Psychology & Socionics 3-4/2021
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
- Price in reward points: 50
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