• Psychology & Socionics  1-2/2016

Issue # 1-2/2016 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal

Reviews of dissertations

Frolova M.G.

Socionics scientific researches

Application of methods of Socionics in the dissertation work on restructuring of the administrative personnel is analyzed.
Key words: socionics, personnel, staff, team, command formation.

Socionics and education of children

Ovcharov A.A.

The features of psychological diagnosis of personality type of children

There are described the various methods for the testing of children, including the method of determination of Jung scales and socionic type. It is given the author's digital test to determine socionic type of child.
Key words: socionics, personality type, character, test, digital test, self-actualization, education.

Socionic Methods

Tsypin P.Ye.

Reinin-Augustinavichiute traits: personal and socional context

There are considered the Reinin traits from positions of manifestations of personal or socional content in them. Extreme groups of TIMs and groups of refraction are allocated. Characteristics of all allocated groups of TIMs are given.
Key words: socionics, Model A, dichotomies, Reinin traits, aspects, signs.

Socionics Methods

Gulenko V.V.

Socionic types: descriptions and recommendations

The basic features of socionic types of the person are described on the basis of information model of psyche taking into account signs of functions. Recommendations on perfection of the personality are given.
Key words: socionic type of the person, intuition, logic, sensorics, ethics, extravertion, intravertion, rationality, irrationality, personal growth.

Psychology of Relations

Bukalov A.V., Karpenko O.B., Chykyrysova G.V.

Statistics of stable married couples

Studying socionic types in occasionally chosen married couples has proved basic presumptions of the socionic theory of intertype relations. E. g., the proportion of the dual (fully complementary) relationship makes 45%, and the total proportion of quadral relationships makes 64 % of all the types of socionic relationships in the surveyed couples.
Key words: socionics, personality types, relations in married couples, statistics of intertype relations.

Intertype relationships

Savel'eva N.A.

“Hugo” eyed by “Huxley”

The article demonstrated and analyzed the features of the social order relations between TIMs IR (IEE, “Huxley”) and ES (ESE, “Hugo”).
Key words: “Hugo”, ES (ESE), “Huxley”, IR (IEE), intertype relationships, relations of social order.

Practical Socionics

Meged' V.V., Ovcharov A.A.

The personality typology and the choice of areas of activity

There are described the atitudes to the type of activity of various psychological (socionical) personality types. It is shown how the management, humanitarian, scientist and social atitudes related to the nature of work and the choice of profession. It is given the test for career guidance.
Key words: socionics, career guidance, personality type, business type, humanarian, scientist, manager, social.

Mathematical Methods in Socionics

Minaiev Yu.P., Datsenko I.P., Shevchenko E.G.

Intertype relations table structure simplification with the help of formalized signs of intertype relation operators

Comparative analysis of three published versions of the intertype relations table, in which authors use lists of socionic types, which are ordered by different ways, is conducted. Even small changes in sequence can strongly affect on the table structure. Question about how construction of the table based on the normal subgroup of the group of intertype relation operators can reduce count of different operators in the block 4×4 of the table, is considered. New version of the intertype relations table is shown. The table has «block symmetry» relative to the centre. In every block 4×4 only 4 different intertype relation operators are found. Variety of blocks is limited by four versions. Using formalized signs for intertype relation operators makes simplicity of table structure brightly marked.
Key words: socionics, intertype relations table, group of the intertype relation operators, normal subgroups, commutation relations.

Shcheglov V.N.

Intuitionistic models and socionics

It is proposed a formalization of the basic concepts of socionics with algebraic models of intuitionistic logic.
Key words: information, intuitionism, mental structure, social structure, socionics, personality types.

Socionic Portraits

Shulman G.A.

Socionic type of T.G.Shevchenko

The analysis of personality of the Ukrainian poet Т.G.Shevchenko shows his belonging to the type ethiсs-intuitive introvert (RI, EII).
Key words: socionics, personality psychology, type of information metabolism.

Filatova Ye.S.

Psychological types in biographies. Fyodor Kuzmich Sologub

It is investigated the personality type of the outstanding Russian writer F.K.Sologub. It is shown that he belonged to the type intuitive-logical introvert (TP).
Key words: socionics, personality type, psychological type, intuition, logic, introversion, irrationality, Fyodor Kuzmich Sologub.

Speaking for Oneself

Berezhnaya E.V.

The combination of socionic type IEI and psychosophic type FLEV on a personal example

The features of the disclosure of the socionic type IEI, in connection with personal content, education and the current behavior model are described in detail. There are debunked some myths associated with TIM IEI.
Key words: socionics, psychosophy, introversion, intuition, ethics, self-expression, close people, relationship, inner feeling, perception, process/result, time.

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Psychology & Socionics 1-2/2016

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: psychology, journal, issue, relations