• Psychology & Socionics  4/2014

Issue # 4/2014 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal

Psychotherapeutical Issues

Pogodin I.A.

Suicide-dangerous psychological crisis: features of psychological care

The article concerns the peculiarities of psychotherapy with people experiencing suicide-dangerous crisis. The author proposes a model of psychological aid suicides, based on restoring process of experiences suicide-gene situation. The therapy is seen as a process, each stage of which has its own defining its tasks. The proposed psychotherapeutic model is illustrated by a description of case, the focus of which is the therapeutic work with a client in suicide-dangerous crisis triggered by a situation of acute grief.
Key words: experience, psychic pain, self-dynamics, self-phenomena, phenomenological approach, dialogue model of therapy, a priori vitality, suicide-dangerous crisis, suicide-gene conflict.

Personality Psychology

Prokofieva T.N., Isaev Yu.V., Devyatkin A.S.

Diagnosis of the type and form of fear acc. to F.Riman

The article is devoted to subtleties of professional diagnostics; the basic forms of fears acc. to F.Riman theories, their displays, complicating the diagnostics of type of information metabolism, are considered; methods of distinction of displays of forms of fear and treats of TIM are offered.
Key words: socionics, psychoanalysis, basic forms of fears, diagnostics, treats of type of information metabolism (TIM), F.Riman, schizoid, depressive, obtrusive, hysterical form of fear.


Litvinenko I.Yu.

Concept of aspectonics

It is shown that to date the subjects of information aspects represent an initial part of socionics as a particular science and academic discipline, therefore deserve to be designated as “aspectonics”. In addition, it has a complex structure consisting of conceptual introduction of aspects, their semantics and application preconditions.
Key words: socionics, information aspects, aspectonics.

Zavgorodny V.O.

The steps of Socionic type identification

Obligatory stages which are necessary for passing in procedure of identification of type of information metabolism (TIM) are described.
Key words: socionics, type of information metabolism, typing, communicative model.

Berdutina E., Berdutin V.

Subtypes in the dual communication

The article demonstrates how the analysis of the effectiveness of dual interaction helps to optimize approaches to the definition of subtypes of the TIM; the authors also propose to use the system of names of subtypes based on the ancient Vedic tradition.
Key words: dual interaction, a subtype of TIM, somatic subtype, level of socionic analysis, productivity of communication.


Kozin R.A.

Babylon or Socion?

The fundamental questions of socionics and methods for determining socionical type are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to this problem are discussed.
Key words: socionics, personality type, temperament, theory of functional systems, neuropsychology.


Aushra Augustinavichute

One more reason in favor of each person’s using all the types of thinking

By the example of the relationship of contrast (total contrariness) peculiarities of different thinking styles described in terms of the information metabolism model (Model A) are demonstrated.
Key words: socionics, Model A, readjustment pair, the relationship of contrast (total contrariness)


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Psychology & Socionics 4/2014

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: psychology, journal, issue, relations

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