Issue # 12/2013 of “Psychology and socionics of interpersonal relationships…” journal
Analytical Psychology
Kameneva S.K., Kharisova R.R.
Comparison of terms in socionics and psychoanalysis
A set of terms is considered in the article which are taken from the psychoanalysis to the socionics concerning the model A. Similarities and distinctions of inserting meanings and senses are marked out.
Key words: socionics, psychoanalysis, the structure of the psyche, the conscious, the foreconscious, the unconscious, Ego, Super-Ego, Id, Super-Id.
Mischenko O.A.
Social aspects of role function
After watching the various representatives of TIM, activities and actions, analyzing the activity of each of them, the value of the individual, as well as the value of the quadra of which he is, we can draw some conclusions. The first of these: any activity of the human brain based on impulse. This does not detract from the individuality of each. Any person, being in the right conditions, overcoming one by one stage of development, can form and express their individuality, something different — that will be qualitatively different from other people. One of these qualities — our sense of duty to you. Knowing its nature, we can control its appearance, sometimes negative, just as it will help us to recognize, understand and take action around. All this calls for further research on the subject and is open to the community socionics.
Key words: socionics, aspects of information flow, role function, black ethics, emotions.
Personality Psychology
Pedan T.P.
Dynamism of psyche for protection after psychotrauma
Development of the person of each TIM and changes in his behavioral responses due to psychotrauma connect with flexibility and adaptability of mind. This is clearly demonstrated by turning of A–model. There are presented the evidence that the psyche is a live dynamic system, and human behavior can vary after suffering psychotrauma both within the type and beyond the congenital type. And let psychologists accept Socionics, explaining individual personality characteristics and predicting behavior according to the situations and as a result of psychotrauma.
Key words: psychology, socionics, psyche, psyche program, uniqueness, typicality, TIM, development, stationary, dynamics, block, function, psychic trait, duality, self-sufficiency, A–model, painful function, psychological trauma, scrolling A–model, behavioral reaction, types of temperament.
Litvinenko I.Yu.
Psychology and Socionics
It is analyzed the worldview and methodological assumptions of creating of neosocionics by S. Nebykova and some sends from the introduction by P. Tsypin to her book “Neosocionics. Psychological experience of modeling”. It is concluded that there are certain disadvantages derived from the psychological paradigm for socionic construction that appeared in the analyzed material.
Key words: socionics, psychology, paradigm, methodology.
Psychotherapeutical Issues
Ivanov D.А.
Episodic form of alcoholism
The great similarity of cases of episodic (with gaps up to 5 years) pernicious alcoholic excess (to severe alcoholic coma) among examinees permits examinees to suppose the appearances of a special rare form of alcoholism. Regarding the sum of the taken alcohol during their life they should be named “non-drinking alcoholics”.
Key words: special rare form of alcoholism, alcoholic coma, introvert personalities, technical mode of mind.
Kozin R.A.
Babylon or Socion?
The fundamental questions of socionics and methods for determining socionical type are considered. The advantages and disadvantages of different approaches to this problem are discussed.
Key words: socionics, personality type, temperament, theory of functional systems, neuropsychology.
Person and society
Shlaina V.M.
The impact of information on the collective
Knowledge as one of socially-psychological characteristics of collective is considered. There are described the system of intracollective communication as a set of various contacts between members of collective, and also the methods of the office and interpersonal relationship head’s management in collective.
Key words: collective, control, management, the head, the information, type of information metabolism.
Language and Semantics
Zavgorodny V.O.
Analysis of Ukrainian folk tales
Application of 26 principles of the theory of systems (acc. to V.D.Yermak) for the analysis of fantastic motives is described.
Key words: socionics, theory of systems, system principle, purposefulness of system, system communications, fairy tale structure.
Problems of Education
Bulgakova N.B.
Natural science fairy tale (atomic-molecular world)
In the form of a fairy tale it is described the mechanism of formation of crystal lattices.
Key words: pedagogy, teaching of chemistry, chemical elements, electron, atom, molecule, crystal lattice.
Psychology & Socionics 12/2013
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Психология и соционика…»
- Price in reward points: 30
Tags: psychology, journal, issue, relations