Issue # 1/2014 of “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology…” journal
Management Tools
Seregina I.M.
Ethical-intuitive introvert in sales
The purpose of this article is to consider the possibility of socionics in marketing and advertising.
Key words: socionics, type of informational metabolism, socionic club, humanities, communication styles, RI (EII), relational ethics, potentiality intuition, sensing, A model, Reinin Augustinavichiute traits.
Informational Structure of Society
Gulenko V.V.
Integral types of modern civilizations
From the standpoint of Socionics the description of modern civilizations is offered. The hypothesis is stated that the future world is the world of eight civilizations united in four super-civilizations, arranged confederation with uniform unifying culture.
Key words: civilization, socionics, sociology, culture, ethnos, super-ethnos, interaction between civilizations.
Socionics Methods
Bukalov A.V.
Basic concepts of Socionics
The basic concepts of socionics are systematically explicated. There are described 8 aspects of the information flow, which are perceived and processed by psychical functions. The semantics of information aspects and their signs are set out. There are described the Jung dichotomies. The construction of socionics model of the psyche is considered.
Key words: socionics, informational aspect, psychical function, model, Jung dichotomies.
Lemesheva Yu.V.
How does the 8th function in model A work?
The features of the 8-th function of A model of socionic type and the block ID in general are considered.
Key words: socionics, TIM, A model, block ID, mental functions, socionic relationships.
Problems of Education
Tsybizova O.B.
Why children do not want to go to school?
Causes of children's unwillingness to go to school are considered. Recommendations for parents of first-graders are given.
Key words: psychology, school, studies, parents, teachers, children.
Psychology in Army
Ivanov D.А., Rychka O.V.
Diagnosis of disadaptative disruptions at servicemen
On the basis of clinic-psychopathological, experimentally-psychological, physiological and biochemical methods of researches features of boundary psychopathology with a leading asthenic syndrome at military men of urgent service are revealed. Formation risk factors of disadaptation failures at military men of urgent service taking into account various types of an information metabolism are studied. Psychopreventive actions depending on a dominating risk factor of disadaptation military men are offered. Necessity of an individual explanation is proved by command of principles of one-man management of the military man.
Key words: military men of urgent service, boundary psychopathology, an asthenic syndrome, criteria of disadaptation failures, types of an information metabolism.
Management and Personnel 1/2014
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Менеджмент и кадры…»
- Price in reward points: 30
Tags: management, journal, issue, personnel