Issue # 10/2012 of “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology…” journal
New Technologies
Ayurzanayev O.I.
Socionics and coaching
There are described the various types of coaching, their principles and application, as well as the specifics of coaching in the Russian business. The basic principles of coaching and the possible pitfalls of positioning are discussed. The applications of methods of socionics in coaching are reviewed.
Key words: coach, coaching, business consulting, socionics.
Informational Structure of Society
Bukalov A.V.
Integrated socionics in the description of social and political processes
With application of the law of quadras changing by Bukalov-Gulenko and concepts of integral socionics the analysis of events of contemporary history to Russia, the USA, Ukraine is carried out. Interaction of the state leaders of the various countries with national mentalities is described. Various aspects of a world economic crisis in connection with integrated type of the USA are analysed.
Key words: socionics, intertype relationships, ethnopsychology, integral type of ethnos, state management.
Popov V.P., Krajnjuchenko I.V.
Interactions in systems and control theory
Temporality of system communications is considered as the invariant law of the nature, as the universal mechanism of evolution. The wide distribution of virtual interactions in the animate and inanimate nature is shown.
Key words: system, memory, interaction, feedback, evolution.
Socionic Methods
Isaev Yu.V., Prokofieva T.N.
Especially business communication style
In the article the theoretical analysis of features of business style of dialogue in socionical understanding is spent. The attempt to give possibility to inform a picture of the world from the point of view of business l style is made and to explain, why the world sees so.
Key words: socionics, styles of dialogue, logic, extraversion, small groups, A-model.
Socionic Practical Training
Belik A.N.
Function blocks and their determination in testing
In article the basic complexities at definition of blocks of functions which the beginner typer faces during the analysis of texts are highlight. Also possible ways of their solution are specified.
Key words: socionics, block of functions, block orientation, block-stamp.
Personality Psychology
Shlaina V.M.
Role behavior: a psychological analysis
Role behavior of personality is considered in various social situations: at work, in private life etc. Mutual influence of personality and role is discussed. Various kinds of roles and functions of role behavior are described, influence of social norms on personality is analyzed.
Key words: psychology, role behavior, social norms.
Socionics in the family
Efremova V.V.
Raising a child in the light of Socionics
This article will be interesting and useful for all parents, who want harmonious relations to reign in their house, who want their children to become self-sufficient wonderful people, loving themselves and parents.
Key words: socionics, model A, intertype relationships, dual relationships, conflict relationships parent, child.
Socionic Portraits
Blashko I.I.
Types of characters in the novel "Karamazov Brothers "
The article proposes a hypothesis on socionic types of the heroes of F.Dostoyevsky's novel Karamazov Brothers.
Key words: Alexey Karamazov, Dmitry Karamazov, Dostoyevsky, Fedor Karamazov, Ivan Karamazov, Karamazov Brothers, literature, Smerdyakov, socionics.
Management and Personnel 10/2012
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Менеджмент и кадры…»
- Price in reward points: 30
Tags: management, journal, issue, personnel