• Management and Personnel  11-12/2015

Issue # 11-12/2015 of “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology…” journal

New Technologies

Solomko L.R.

The ability to get a real competitive advantage

The possibilities of socionics as a practical tool for working with teams of any level of complexity are considered. It is shown the principal advantage of socionics as a theory of the mind and intertype relationship to the Myers-Briggs typology and other typological systems.
Key words: management, socionics, competition, psychology of management, business, typology.

Management Tools

Skvarko V.V.

Emotional business

It is described the role of emotions in business.
Key words: emotions, business, competition, sales.

Management theory

Popov V.P., Krajnjuchenko I.V.

Evolution of competition and cooperation in nature and society

Self-organization of complex natural systems is investigated. The Darwinian struggle for survival (competition) has a place at the bottom densely populated floors of hierarchy. The highest levels are harmonized through cooperation. Disadvantages of a competitive market are the result of noncompliance with the laws of the natural harmony. Harmonising state administration is required.
Key words: system, harmony, competition, cooperation, management.

Informational Structure of Society

Bukalov A.V.

Analysis of historical processes

Methods of integral socionics show the limitations and imperfections of many particular theories of the historical process. Only the synthesis of these theories are based on the concept of the information structure of society and the stages of its evolution allows us to give a comprehensive picture of the historical process. An analysis of some processes of ancient history shows the application of the principles of integral socionics in the synthesis and generalization of the theory of the historical process.
Key words: integral socionics, society, informational aspects, history, Toynbee concept, Marxism, L.Gumilev theory, ancient history.


Gulenko V.V.

Experiment on investigation of the trait “asking–declaring”

It is described the modeling experiment, organized and conducted by the author, to analyze the appearance of the trait “asking–declaring” in the interactions in small groups.
Key words: socionics, modeling experiment, asking, declaring.

Karpenko O.B., Bukalov A.V., Chykyrysova G.V.

Absence of correlations between socionics types and astrology

The statistics of birth dates of Representatives personality types (types of information metabolism) Zodiac signs and years eastern horoscope has analyzed on samples of more than 2,500 people. The absence of dependence of type on the date of birth has shown.
Key words: socionics, socionic type, psychological type, Zodiac, eastern horoscope.

Socionic Methods

Tikhonov A.P.

Socionics and psyche

The article is an attempt of psychological research of existence of 'conceptual bridges' between so-cionics and psychology. Certain issues of the system organization of information processes in human psyche, the basic provisions of A.Kepinsky's theory of informational metabolism and particularities of TIM as a multilevel structure are considered. It is concluded that it is TIM as a multilevel basic functional system that performs the role of a linking stage in research of various psychic phenomena and provides for the follow-up of multi-dimensional, multilevel, poly-determining and hierarchic character of different psychic phenomena manifestation in an individual.
Key words: informational metabolism, psyche, system approach, structure, TIM, theory of functional systems.

Litvinenko I.Yu.

Informational aspects

It is proposed to order the understanding of information and aspects of the informational flow by Jung scales: logic-ethic, sensation-intuition, extraversion-introversion, rationality-irrationality.
Key words: socionics, psychology, aspects of informational flow, Jung scale, logic, ethic, sensation, intuition, extraversion, introversion, rationality, irrationality.

Leontiev V.O.

The manifestations of the socionic type and external conditions

The correspondence between TIMs and intertype relations (IR) is discussed in detail; a notion of IR basis is introduced. A correlation between particular IR relations and TIM aspects, responsibility of the latter for the general IR properties understood in accordance with given notions is established. Human TIM's dependence from external factors is established.
Key words: socionics, IR basis, external factors influence on TIM, IR aspects.

Psychology and Socionics

Reinin G.R.

Type and typology in psychology

Theoretical description of the structure of personal traits from the standpoint of type and typology concepts is proposed. Comparison between the best known factor-based methodologies has shown that personality measurement methodologies use as a rule 15 ± 5 factors, whose orthogonalization results in 4 independent factors. Comparison between three clinical typologies allows finding 16 personality types. The same quantity of types exists in the most advanced theoretical typologies. Based on systematic analysis of sources, a hy-pothesis on existence of a uniform 16-element personality typology is proposed, which realizes the idea of mutual correlation and complementation of the typological and the factor-based approaches.
Key words: type, typology, factor descriptions of personality, socionics, psychology.


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Management and Personnel 11-12/2015

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Менеджмент и кадры…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: management, journal, issue, personnel

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