Issue # 1/2015 of “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology…” journal
Management Tools
Litvinenko I.J.
Socionic aspects of enterprise and staff management
From the point of socionics methodology view of two opposite approaches in administration of enterprise and staff are considered. Advantage of substantial above formalistic approach is justified, the objective tendencies shown in transition of the substantial approach to formal are observed.
Key words: socionics, management, the form and the contents.
Popov V.P., Krajnjuchenko I.V.
How to build a market economy
There are critically discussed the features of an uncontrolled market economy. The authors argue that the market management ensures sustainable development of society, including economic, moral and social aspects, without disturbing the balance in the biosphere.
Key words: market economy, competition, market regulation, environment, society, management, biosphere.
New Technologies
Jelali V.I., Kulinichenko V.L.
Anthropocosmism by N. Kholodnyis the conceptual basis of innovation and moral activity
In the context of philosophical thought and trends of human civilization there are considered the conceptual basis of the functioning of the centers of innovation and moral activity.
Key words: society, culture, innovation, ethics, development, civilization.
Informational Structure of Society
Pazizina O.I.
The integral socionic type of Germany
It is analyzed the integral type of Germany as a country with the help of the A-model. There are discussed the problems of the integral type formation: on what basis and how we can identify a type of country, and what are the facts which indicate that socionic type.
Key words: integral type, Germany, LSI, TIM of Germany.
Socionic Methods
Bukalov A.V., Karpenko O.B.
Socionics in academic and applied research
The widespread of socionics as a scientific direction is confirmed by that over the last 15 years socionic ideas and methods are used in about 800 dissertations on all sections of the humanities and in a number of technical sciences. The analysis of these of dissertational works on branches and topic is carried out. There are analyzed the academic publications on Socionics. Now socionics is taught in over 150 universities in Russia, Ukraine and countries of European Union.
Key words: socionics, psychology, management, sociology, humanities, technical sciences, pedagogy, economics, philosophy.
Protzky T.S.
Methods for socionic type diagnosis
It is considered the one of the main problems of socionics - the socionical accuracy of diagnosis. It is analyzed the main reasons for the differences between the socionical schools in diagnostics and proposed solutions from the standpoint of the values of second quadra. The results of a third-party verification of the accuracy of the diagnosis in the Kaliningrad socionical center of socionics by the V.L. Talanov method are shown.
Key words: socionics, psychology, psychological type, diagnostics of type, practical socionics, quadra, quadral values, Reinin traits.
Filatova Ye.S.
What socionics is fundamentally different from any typology
The reason that basic difference socionics from all others typologies is the choice of base system of the co-ordinates connected with space-time and matter-energy is stated. Only in such base the genetically determined system of the elementary types which are the thin structure of Jung’s types could turn out.
Key words: system of co-ordinates, elementary types, psychology through socionics.
Problems of Education
Vasil'chenko T.N.
Education depending on the socionic type
The article deals with the application of socionics in the work of the teacher. The necessity of application of socionic methods for teachers is substantiated. On the example of parsing stories and topics for discussion it is shows gentle, health-saving diagnostic of teenager’s socionic type.
Key words: socionics, informational metabolism type, the definition of TIM, English tutor, socionics diagnostics, individual approach to student.
Management and Personnel 1/2015
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Менеджмент и кадры…»
- Price in reward points: 30
Tags: management, journal, issue, personnel