• Management and Personnel  6/2013

Issue # 6/2013 of “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology…” journal

Management Tools

Bukalov A.V., Karpenko O.B.

Socionics and Management

There are described the various strategies for applying of socionics methods in management and consulting. The Socionics methods are practically used by staff of the International Institute of Socionics in collectives of more than 110 businesses, organizations and companies in Russia, Ukraine and other countries. The practical examples of the features of socionics in different spheres of production and business are given.
Key words: management, socionics, socionic technology, business organization, business management.

New Technologies

Podmarkova I.P.

Formation of tourist activity motivation among students - the future managers of tourism

There are investigated the motives of choice and selection of tourist trips style recreation by students - the future managers of tourism. It is shown that travel companies practically not consider the needs of young people in their proposals. The connections between socionics types of students and chosen by them types of tourist rest are considered.
Key words: management, tourism, socionics, personality type, motivation.

Problems of Education

Ponomareva G.M.

Teenager and School

The psychological and pedagogical conditions necessary for the teenager for normal development and training are described.
Key words: pedagogics, education, training, school, teenager.

Informational Structure of Society

Bukalov A.V.

Social and historical processes from the Socionic point of view

The questions of the description, the analysis and modelling of historical and sociopolitical processes are discussed on the examples of Russia, the USA, Iraq, Turkey, Israel, Palestin, India, Pakistan, the USSR, Ukraine, Yugoslavia and other countries.
Key words: socionics, ethnopsychology, the state, sociology, history, ethnos, social processes.

Socionic Practical Training

Pedan T.P.

The relationships workshop "Who's your half?"

Theory and practice of the workshop "Who's your half, how to find him/her and to save the love," show the way to self-knowledge of Socionics, harmonize relationships, find your half.
Key words: duality, love, relationships, personal harmony, harmony of relationships, conflicts, A-model, character, psychology, Socionics, search for your half.

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Management and Personnel 6/2013

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Менеджмент и кадры…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: management, journal, issue, personnel