Issue # 4/2013 of “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology…” journal
New Technologies
Kozin R.A.
Zones of conflicts
There are considered the functional roles of various socionic types in small groups and collectives. From positions of management the different variants of cooperation and conflict between personality types are described.
Key words: management, socionics, managers, conflict, cooperation, functional role, intertype relationships.
Barybina G.F.
Indestructible union: socionics and success. Harmony, balance, skills…
The ways of finding of harmony and success with a support on socionic methods are considered.
Key words: socionics, TIM, A-model, personality development, success, confidence, self-estimation.
Sergeeva D.N.
Conflict studies
The article gives a theoretical overview of the conflict studies research in psychology and related sciences, such as sociology, pedagogic, jurisprudence, and medicine. Analysis of the historical development and the establishment of conflictology as a science is given. The conclusion is made about the need of further study of the ways and methods of the conflict resolution.
Key words: conflict, constructive resolution of conflicts, social psychology, legal psychology, pedagogical psychology, medical psychology.
Informational Structure of Society
Yakuboskaya T.S.
Socionics: ethnos and its state
The phases of development of ethnos by L.N.Gumilev are correlated with the law of removability of quadras by Bukalov-Gulenko. A number of various time cycles in sociohistorical process is allocated.
Key words: socionics, ethnopsychology, ethnos, state, history, passionarity.
Socionics Methods
Churyumov S.I.
Nature of temperament
Consideration of socionic type as temperament extends a classical concept "temperament". Combinations of Reinin criteria allow to select 310 kinds of temperament.
Key words: socionics, psychology, temperament, typological temperaments, socionic type, monotemperaments, bitemperaments, tritemperaments, tetratemperaments.
Personality Psychology
Reutsky M.V.
Psychologist on services market
This research is an attempt of marketing analysis of demand for services of psychologist in modern society. The seasonal peculiarities of demand for services of psychologist are examined on the basis of the factors of external environment, dynamics of psychophysiological processes in the human organism, development of personality and sociopsychological conditions.
Key words: psychology, psychologist, psychological services, market, demand.
Socionic Practical Training
Beletskaya I.Ye., Beletsky S.A.
On the Situational socionical test development
In the article the first version of the Situational socionical test (SST), developed by authors, is resulted.
Key words: socionics, typing, Reinin traits, type of information metabolism, socionical test, small groups.
Management and Personnel 4/2013
- Product Code: выпуск журнала «Менеджмент и кадры…»
- Price in reward points: 30
Tags: management, journal, issue, personnel