• Management and Personnel  12/2013

Issue # 12/2013 of “Management and personnel: psychology of management, socionics and sociology…” journal

New Technologies

Bukalov A.V., Karpenko O.B.

The use of socionics in the formation of working groups and companies

The principles of the formation of working groups and companies using different socionic groups are considered. There are identified and described a number of socionical groups, features of functioning and interaction in them.
Key words: socionics, management, small groups, formation of groups, inter-type relations, psychological compatibility, business.

Socionics Methods

Bukalov A.V.

Basic concepts of Socionics

The basic concepts of socionics are systematically explicated. There are described 8 aspects of the information flow, which are perceived and processed by psychical functions. The semantics of information aspects and their signs are set out. There are described the Jung dichotomies. The construction of socionics model of the psyche is considered.
Key words: socionics, informational aspect, psychical function, model, Jung dichotomies.

Subbotin S.A.

Planning styles

Research Institute of Socionics conducted experiments to study the psychological filling of groups of relaxation (the "Square" group), previously described by intertype relationships, constituting them. The study on the part of attributive approach showed that the groups, included in this tetratomy, differ in the way of planning and responses to unplanned events.
Key words: socionics, economics, planning, response to unexpected events, relaxation group, planning styles, incidentalness - cautiousness, rationality - irrationality, judiciousness – decisiveness.

Personality Psychology

Galkina N.S.

Socionics in the work of psychologist on the problem of the crisis of meaning in life

There are described the features of the crisis of meaning in life, said about the reasons that led to it, given an example of successful work with the client on this problem with the use of socionics, provided answers to common questions and concerns on the part of colleagues psychologists. In accordance with this approach colleagues (both socionists and psychologists) will be able to conduct their work with the client as to help the client quickly get out of the crisis.
Key words: socionics, psychology, age crises, the crisis of meaning in life, a way out of the crisis, type of informational metabolism, basic function, creative function, self-understanding, professional realization, personality development.

Informational Structure of Society

Popov V.P., Krajnjuchenko I.V.

Noosphere: technologies for social development

The ways of development of a civilisation are considered. The possibilities of achievement the noospheric conditions (acc. to V.I.Vernadsky) by a modern technical civilisation are analyzed.
Key words: civilisation, biosphere, a noosphere, management, artificial intelligence.

Socionics and Life

Beletskaya I.Ye., Beletsky S.A.

Dual relationships

Dual relations from the point of view of personal growth are considered. Recommendations about harmonisation of relationships in dual dyads are given.
Key words: socionics, socionic type, dual relationships, dualization.

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Management and Personnel 12/2013

  • Product Code: выпуск журнала «Менеджмент и кадры…»
  • $3.00

  • Price in reward points: 30

Tags: management, journal, issue, personnel