

Socionic consulting

Socionic on-line-consultation

Socionic on-line-consultation

At an individual psychological-socionic consultation, you will not only find out your socionic type ..


Consultation on career guidance and motivation

Consultation on career guidance and motivation

Despite the existence of numerous tests for career guidance, 30 years of practical work by experts f..


Description of the individual profile type

Description of the individual profile type

A written report on the results of individual socionic consultation includes: individualized desc..


Family (pair) socionic consultation online

Family (pair) socionic consultation online

Comprehensive service: determination of the socionic type and other psychological characteristics of..

$90.00 $100.00

Hidden Motivation Consultation

Hidden Motivation Consultation

You can use the computer version of the Color Motivation Test created by our experts for free. But f..


Socionic type of child

Socionic type of child

Consulting parents about the socionic type of the child opens up the opportunity for parents to dire..


Consultation for professional socionists (supervision)

Consultation for professional socionists (supervision)

Professional Skype consultation for bachelors of socionics and graduates of socionic schools (superv..


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